TraceTogether Token Make My Life Easier During Pandemic


My TraceTogether Token - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

What is that thing? Here in Singapore, we call it TraceTogether token that everyone should have to make contact tracing easier in order to control the spread of Coronavirus. For me, personally, it makes my life much easier during the pandemic.

I have been using the TraceTogether token since February 2021 ( I guess). My husband and I visited our Community Club to take our device. When we arrived, there were just some people who come to take the token. After checked in with TraceTogether App and checked the temperature, we were allowed to proceed to the counter. To take this device, we need to bring our IC (Identity Card) because they need to check before giving it to us and write-down our phone number as well. 

Behind this token, there is my name and also code that I use to scan when entering a mall, hypermarket, or any public places. We must bring this device every time when we go out. And there is a blinking green light appear wherever we near the other people who bring the same device. If the token has a green light that blinks once every minute, it is working well.  So, with this token is make easy for a government to control the spread of Coronavirus in the community. Once when someone is infected by the Covid-19 virus, then people who near or meet him/ her, will be contacted and placed in quarantine. So, it helps with tracing close contact of confirmed Covid-19 patients so they can be identified and quarantined quickly to limit the spread of the coronavirus in the community.

Before using this token I felt uneasy whenever I went out. I had to hold my phone, open the TraceTogether App, did check-in by scanning the barcode before entering the shop or place that I visited, and must do check-out when out. And sometimes I forgot to check-out and realized it after 1 or 2 hours at home. To be honest, I was stressed with all those things. The worst part was a day before I took some kind of exam my camera phone broke and I panicked. If I could not check-in the building which meant I could not take part in the exam. How frustrated I was at the time. And yes I failed my exam! Lots of anxiety!😢 

After encountering some inconvenient situations, I think it is time to take my token when the government announced the distribution of tokens from Monday, 1st February 2021. This smart device is free that the Singapore government distributing since September 14 last year. We can choose whether to use TraceTogether App or TraceTogether token because the TraceTogether token is an alternative for those who prefer not to use a phone. Something that you must know that TraceTogether is mandatory in Singapore to enter public places like restaurants, shopping malls, et cetera. And my decision is TraceTogether token because it makes my move easy during the pandemic. Like I mentioned before I felt stressed when using TraceTogether App🤦‍♀️ With this token, I just bring it whenever I go out without worry about forgetting check-out and the hassle of check-in. You can imagine when I need to visit some shops; check-in & check-out will make me lost my focus on how what I had to buy. 

If the token is faulty then we can get a new one by replacing it. For example, when it has a blinking red light or the light has stopped blinking. We can call the hotline or for me, simply visit my Community Club if something happens to my token. 

That's my story about my TraceTogether token. I think it is an important tool to help the spread of coronavirus in the community. One of my friends said, "I envy that Singapore is one of the safer places during the pandemic." I said to her that her country could get through the tumultuous situation if everyone works together as a nation, and instead of complaining about government rules or laws, we can do our part for instance put on our mask, bringing sanitizer when going out, wash hand frequently, socially responsible (avoid gathering), stay at home as much as possible which is if you do not have any essential matters like going to work, school, buying groceries or medicine. Even if the daily community case is low; yesterday was zero, we still take precautions measurement. Everyone who breaches the Covid-19 safety measurement will get jail for up to 6 months and a fine of up to $ 10,000. 

Thank you for reading my article, and read my garden article; The Beauty of Dwarf Hibiscus Flower, the link is here

See you in the next article!🖐🙂


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse this photograph anywhere else without permission

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