After 2 Years of Stepping Down, Where is Ichikraft Now?

About two years ago, I made the decision that the Ichikraft Etsy shop closed temporarily. However, even until this day, I am still with the same commitment; my Ichikraft shop on Etsy will be frozen for some time. Therefore, what is the reason behind this decision that I made and why?

Today, I just wrote an announcement on Ichikraft Etsy shop that my shop will be frozen for some time because I have been busy with my study preparation. It means the main reason why I am unable to open and take orders is that I can not handle orders from customers (if suddenly someone buys my product) while I am preparing myself for my further education. Furthermore, I have mountain house chores daily and family business. In another word, my study preparation alone is a daunting task, along with housework and family matters, unfortunately, I must choose which one I need to focus on, and I have to get my head down for it. 

It is not easy to cut down my activity in this particular work since I love designing handmade flowers and cat collars. Because this is something that I enjoy even though it earns small money. However, since the beginning, I know what I have been doing and what the next step that I need to take on. Therefore, this decision is not in rush or in one slide as I have made this plan since 2018 or after I finished my program at Curtin University. I have always planned my life further since many years ago. For some people, this is crazy because sometimes I make a plan for the next five years and what I want to achieve during those years.

I started to make cat collars in 2016. Afterward, for a year I practiced every day until I found my cat's collar masterpiece design. Then, in 2017, I wanted to continue my passion for handmade flowers that have begun in 2008. However, because I moved from one city to another and eventually relocated abroad, I put back this handicraft work. In short words, I have a long story on this certain job. While practicing both on cat collars and handmade flowers, I tried to sell my work on an online platform and it was not Etsy. Moreover, I rented a tiny space in a particular shop in a mall. However, despite all efforts that I made, there was nothing good happened as that certain shop in the mall did not allow me to put my brand and logo, in this case, ICHIKRAFT. The shop was not given me permission to put the ICHIKRAFT contact number, and e-mail address. Basically, they just tried to prevent the customers directly contact us. As the consequence, customers would not able to recognize ICHIKRAFT as a customized unique product. As part of marketing's work to make potential customers interesting in my products, the shop's policy just dragged down my ICHIKRAFT. After 3 months I quit because the rent was pricy, meanwhile, I did not make any return. On the other hand, the online platform that I joined, was not suitable for Ichikraft business at all. In the end, I left the platform for good. 

During my journey with Ichikraft, I started to join online courses in 2016. In general, besides working on handicrafts, I am studying as well. Day by day my schedule has become tight and I put study over my Ichikraft. The reason why I enrolled in some courses was that I will come back to school. Therefore, in order to make me ready, I joined courses first to familiarize myself with the academic schedule and environment. In 2016, I hadn't decided where I would ahead to. Just after finishing my program at Curtin Unversity in 2018, I was able to decide where I wanted to continue my study. Since then I walk step by step to reach the goal that has been planned. The plan was to keep my handicraft work until 2019, then in 2020, I must prepare myself for further preparation as I chose to study in another country. Because of this, in 2020, I closed my Etsy shop for a while. 

If you are following Ichikraft you easily notice that I made an announcement in early 2020 that ICHIKRAFT on Etsy closed temporarily due to the COVID-19 situation. An unexpected event like the Coronavirus crisis was also another reason why I must step down from my business. The impact of this particular situation was an increase in shipping costs. As compared to before COVID-19 struck our world, I charged the customer SGD 12.50 by using a registered post. But after that, the registered post becomes SGD 22.00 to SGD 25.00. Wow, it sounds crazy, right? You can imagine, the least price of ICHIKRAFT's product was about SGD 17.00, supplementary along with shipping cost, it's too much for my customer. Meanwhile, I do not offer another option for the shipment because first, I want to protect the package as mostly our customers are from abroad. Second, I want to protect both our customers and us as well as both of us being able to track the package. With this method, I hope ICHIKRAFT gains the trust from our buyers. However, indeed, there were still unprecedented events that occurred, for instance, the buyer provided us an incorrect address, or the buyer moved to another address. As result, the package didn't arrive at their doorstep despite the best delivery service we provide. So, in a nutshell, the double shipping cost since the coronavirus situation is partly the reason why I decided to step down from this work. 

I wish I have a partner in the ICHIKRAFT business so that I am able to keep my Ichikraft business open. Unfortunately, I do not have one. Sometimes, I imagine that a friend or a relative could support this small business. For instance, when ICHIKRAFT gets an order, this friend or a relative could work on the order and make a shipment while I am busy with my study preparation. To admit it, this is a good idea to keep ICHIKRAFT running. Sadly, some people think that creating ICHIKRAFT's products is challenging. Even before trying to make it, one of my friends say she could not do it although with a very simple design. Eventually, maybe someday I have to let ICHIKRAFT go. 

Nowadays, I am still working on my study preparation and it is a daunting task. Moreover, it drains my energy a lot. What I need right now is to sharpen my mind on this task as I have put my faith in education. Therefore, I haven't decided on the ICHIKRAFT future. Furthermore, I have a family business that I need to settle down. There is a mountain of work that I have to do even in the upcoming year. However, the good news is that Ichikraft keeps the project goes where we assist some villager children in Indonesia. Hopefully, you support this Ichikraft project!👍

Thank you to my dearest customers who have always supported us. We appreciate your kindness. Ichikraft wishes the best for all of you!🙏


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission

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After 2 Years of Stepping Down, Where is Ichikraft Now?

About two years ago, I made the decision that the Ichikraft Etsy shop closed temporarily. However, even until this day, I am still with the ...