2 Things That Influence Marketing Strategy When Determining Target Consumers

Before making a decision what your next marketing strategy, it is crucial that you have to know the consumers. Sometimes as a business owner or at least people who I know, they only think of making huge profits even before analyzing their customers and their products in the market. I completely understand every business needs to gain profit, but profit itself will be coming with a good marketing strategy. How to determine target customers and how they influence marketing strategy? There is 2 thing, first who is target customers, second is where we could reach them.

1. Who

When talking about marketing strategy, it is important for a business owner to know the customers. Who are your customers? This is the first thing that influencing marketing strategy. Analyzing consumers will lead you and give a view of what marketing strategy should apply and also finding the best strategy. Questioning yourself about it, "who are they?", "are they adults or kids, and how old they are?" It surmises target consumers are kids. If your products are dessert it could be a cake then the next step is deciding which dessert is healthy for the kids. Why would think about a healthy cake? We agree that this product is saturated in the market. It means that the cake you make must unique from others. Starting from kid's preference, they love something vibrant so this product has a golden opportunity. For example, making a colorful cake with characters such as rainbow cake, sunflower cake, car cake, etc. All the ingredients in it must healthy choices. You could imagine that you are having a kid before buying a cake for your kids you must concern about what is the ingredient too, right? Positioning yourself as a parent to understanding what customers want and what they expect. It sounds challenging but we have to embrace, learn, and trying until the product will surpass. As a result, customers will back to you and become loyal buyers. Moreover, it has gained huge profits.

The next step is talking about how to promote the product. Thinking about when kids often come by, when they play, what time they are watching TV, what they watch. Why we need to know all about these? Simply put, we need to advertising the cake, right? If you are willing to promote it by television advertising then a good choice to put your work on kid's program. Hopefully, they will watch and ask their parent to buy your products. But we can use other tools such as media social or any platform that suits a cake business as a marketing strategy. Thinking about it,  I've been thinking for such a long time about this. The marketing strategy is that by entering the parent community we can meet customers. Look around you, if we are a part of this parent community that will make your marketing strategy easier to adapt. The reason is first, we can promote the product mouth to mouth; second, showcase the cakes on the parent group by posting pictures of the cake on social media. This is how to engage potential customers.

2. Where

How this can affect marketing strategy? When we are dealing with customers we need to know where to find potential customers based on the product. Because some products are unique or have a special purpose and we can not expect general customers would buy it. Where the place that reaching these buyers we need to analyze and find a marketing strategy to meet them.

Let's say your product is swimwear. In order to get potential attention, we could do advertising this swimwear at a swimming pool nearby or beach by leaflet to people who come to these places. Moreover, because today we are in a digital world there is a wise choice to use digital marketing strategy by using social media, creating web and an online shop, joining a platform. Writing down on the flyer about your swimwear website, business e-mail, Instagram account, etc. That's the good news about digital marketing.

In my opinion, with digital marketing, a business will thrive even further. The gap between customers and the products will meet in the digital world because customers especially youngsters often shopping online. No matter where they are, it is virtually possible to do shopping. When it happens, a digital marketer needs to know about customer behavior especially when talking about culture. To get through the market, a business must understand this culture. In this case, swimwear material; in some countries, the customer prefers good material and price is no problem for them. But another country, they prefer cheap price and doesn't bother with material as long as cheaper.

To sum up, there 2 things that could affect marketing strategy when determining target customers, first; who are target customers; second, where are they based on the product. And in my perspective, the space between consumers and the product could meet in the digital world by online shopping. Especially today that businesses are preparing and getting ready for a "new normal" due to the Covid-19 crisis. 


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission



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