Surviving Businesses are the one whose transform to digital and creative

How many businesses collapsed during the pandemic? The answer is a lot! We heard and read there are more and more businesses are struggling or even dying to survive. Yes, we agree that crisis hasn't ever warned us when it comes. But, as a human being is our nature to adapt and survive, right? Learning something new and figure it out how we can apply new strategies. That's how we transform our businesses into digital and must creative.

I heard from one of my friends that her business bankrupted due to the Coronavirus situation. I said to her, "Why don't you try another opportunity or learn how to digitalize your business?" Here her answer, " I am not as smart as you, I can't cook, I can't sew, I can't teach, etc.." I gave her suggestions based on where she lives that it is a big opportunity to make a handmade mask & handmade brooch, or selling snacks, or become a tuition teacher. And how to do that work? Of course with a new strategy called digitalization. Instead of trying she chooses to wait and do nothing. On another hand, her kids need support to buy medicine, food, etc. But another good story comes from my other friend; if many businesses go bankrupt instead my friend builds her business. Are you surprise? I am not at all. Why? she uses media social to promote her business and show her skill, using Whatsapp to connect with customers and take orders, and also deliver the order directly to the customer's home. The most important is she always wants to learn and upgrade her skill. My friend's business grows every day. We can't deny if you are a creative person, wanting to learn something new, and transform the business to digital then your business would survive.

Digitalization is not something new to me because I had learned it in 2018. At the time I just want to learn how to start an online business. Another reason, I want to apply it to my small business. That's the reason why I decided to study digital marketing. And because of the Coronavirus situation, every day, everywhere, people often talk about digital marketing. Personally, to me, this unprecedented crisis gives us lessons that we have to upgrade our skills, knowledge, and never stop learning. Someone said, "future is a mystery." We do not know what happens tomorrow, next month, or next year,  and be better to prepare it right now. That's what my father taught me a long time ago. We have to prepare our future by learning new knowledge and upgrade skills.

So, how to survive in this pandemic situation? This is in my opinion:

1. Transform into digital

It is clear transformation is needed to survive in any business during the pandemic whether small or big businesses. In this article, I would like to talk about small businesses or home businesses. Before you make a decision it is important to analyze the market and customer behavior. During the pandemic, the market could change their interest or demand, for example, high demand for masks, sanitizer, green vegetables, even snacks. You can say which one is in high demand today by observing the market at least realize what the market wants, and what is change. This is just an example: if in the past you sold ready-to-eat food, soup, then now you should try how to make a pack of soup ingredients. Why? First, customers prefer cooking at home rather than buy takeaway food. The second reason, easy for customers who is the first time cooking at home. Using an app that familiar to the customers; order online and deliver the package directly to the customers. 

Secondly, after analyzing the market we have to consider how customer behavior due to the Coronavirus situation. This is what happens around me, people do online shopping! Ordering foods, clothes, kitchen stuff, office stuff (many work from home), accessories, etc by online. I, myself, often do online shopping rather than conventional ones. If the business doesn't catch up with a glimpse of customer behavior changing then believe me your business will go bankrupt. "But I don't know how to transform", then it is time for you to do learning about digital marketing, am I right? "I can't..", well it hard to say, you must learn if want to survive.

Remember, the decision is based on where you live and what is going on around you. It could a different approach between one place to another. Quick example: in a remote village, a business must use its own resource to deliver an order. Why? There is no such kind of online delivery such as Grab Food for example. 

2. Creative

Like I said an early paragraph, we need to become a creative person if want to survive. Looking for a new opportunity and what can we do during the situation. One door is closed another door opens. Again, every decision depends on what happens around, that's why we need to analyze it.  For example: in the past sold "mee goreng" at a stall then your stall closed because of the Coronavirus. And now what? At home, you could start a "mee goreng" business or a new one by making meatball soup, fried meatball with tomato sauce, or making handmade masks for example. Using anything that familiar to the customers to promote the business to your friends, family, or even your neighbor, taking online orders, and send it directly to customers. At the same time while you are waiting for an order you could do teaching some children who do an online school. There is no need to pay stall rent, just stay at home yet making money. Sounds, good? 😍

The key to get through this situation businesses must adapt and transform into a "new normal." Talking about a "new normal" you can say it is all about digital. Before applying the strategies what we need is analyzed around: market changing and customer behavior; make a decision on which strategies will work and execute the plan/ strategies. What I believe is businesses will survive if they transform into digital and must creative to find out new strategies during the pandemic.


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission

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