The COVID-19 Vaccine Journey: Why Did I choose Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine and What Are The side Effects

The COVID-19 vaccine journey - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Have you been vaccinated yet? Maybe many of you still have much thought about the COVID-19 Vaccine as it has side effects that give you more concern, moreover, it is a new technology that experts call mRNA vaccine. For me, personally, I made the bold decision to take the COVID-19 vaccine and I chose Moderna. So, this is my vaccine journey!

Last year was the worst news that I had to hear when the Singapore government confirmed the first case of COVID-19 in January 2020. In December 2019, I had watched the news on TV about the strangest diseases (I didn't understand what was it at that time) in Wuhan-China and I didn't expect that disease (later known as the COVID-19 virus) would able to cross the continent and struck in Singapore. Everything that I had planned for the past 2 years; my study plan and my brother's study plan, it suddenly just diminished and immediately I felt like my soul was gone somewhere. Like many people, I also felt anxious and worried about so many things. Thank goodness, I live in Singapore which means far better compare to if I stay in my original country. Since that day, almost every week, the Singapore government has made a live conference on station TV where we can easy to watch and hear about the COVID-19 situation update from the authority directly. The government provides as much information as possible about everything in this unprecedented situation. For instance: after the first COVID-19 case was confirmed, people was panic and rush to stockpile foods, sanitizer, vitamins, et cetera. With the help of the live conference, me, personally, felt less worried as the government sent a message that national stock was in good shape which meant we did not need to wipe out those stuff in the supermarket and did shopping normally.

Besides making live conferences, here in Singapore, the government sends daily progress of the COVID-19 cases, any information relates to the COVID-19 via WhatsApp. So, I receive that information via WhatsApp from the government. Not only how many local and import cases but also provide information about new rules, vaccine information, and recently (on 19 August) the message said that 77% of the total population (in Singapore) have completed the full regimen (the COVID-19 vaccine). Furthermore, we can visit the government website in this case Ministry of health if we want to know detail about something.  As a Singapore resident, I just feel grateful.

In December 2020 last year, we had begun talking about the COVID-19 vaccine as the government would soon roll out the vaccination program. early 2021, I felt not confident to take the vaccine as I read news from outside about the side effects, moreover, it is about the new technology that scientists have created to make the vaccine. What is mRNA, it sounds unfamiliar, and I just knew the old method to create a vaccine. Like many people, I had so many inquiries in my head. While waiting our turn to get the Covid-19 vaccine, both my husband and I watched the government live conferences, read our local news, and heard and read carefully what the government advises. For us, hearing the government's advice is important as we all know in this crisis there is a lot of information about the COVID-19 vaccine out there that we do not know their credibility. Many people get the wild news about the COVID-19 situation because they read or get the information from social media and unknown sources, it could be watching YouTube as well. Fortunately, I am not kin with social media such as Facebook so that the wild news does not consume my rational. For us, following the government's advice is the best move to embrace and face this tumultuous time.

Finally starting from 2nd July 2021, an age below 40 is allowed to book the vaccine date at the vaccination center. Here the vaccination center is Community Clubs and Policlinics and we can choose. The vaccination program from the government is only Pfizer and Moderna. And of course, because it is a government program we have the guarantee or call it insurance for instance if we get side effects and hospitalization, the government covers it. Both my husband and I decided to choose Moderna. For me, the reason why I prefer Moderna is that I have food allergies for example crab and honey. Meanwhile, for my husband, the reason why he followed me choosing Moderna is that to get the faster book and less crowd; in sort word, we have more options which the date that we wanted. Yes, mostly Singapore resident takes Pfizer so that is why we need to wait sometimes to booking our vaccine date or the booking date is fewer options. We booked our vaccination date at different times so we could take care of each other if we got the side effects, my husband a week earlier than me.

Based on our neighbor who got the vaccine earlier than us, they didn't have or almost no side effects or minor, while other got body pain, headache; another felt very sleepy, and had a fever. Therefore, we had prepared ourselves if we got those side effects after the jab. I also bought and stocked more vegetables, fruit, fish, and any prebiotic food for example tempeh and Yakult (cultured milk from Japan). Buying more broccoli, spinach whether red or green, lots of oranges, more salmon stock. The reason why I did this act was that I wanted to minimize the side effects by eating healthy foods! Is that any related by eating healthy food can reduce side effects? I don't know, but who's know healthy food will help😊

The first who got the first dose was my husband on that Saturday evening in early July 2021. After the injection, came home, and took a rest didn't do anything at home even not helping laundry, cooking, or anything; fully taking a rest! He didn't have a fever; only a little bit dizzy (minor) but was gone after 3 days. Of course, felt little pain at the arm where the jab was; it is gone by itself after a few days (give it a week). He didn't take paracetamol at all! On Monday he started to work; of course, work from home. Overall, his body reaction was good when received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Now my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine; my body reaction was different as after 4 hours of the injection, I started feeling heavy on my head, my whole body in pain, tiredness, dizzy, and my pulse run fast because I could hear it. I didn't do any activities after the jab but my heartbeat was run like I did exercise (jogging). So I lay down and watched my favorite TV channel LoveNature.πŸ˜… I took paracetamol but the heavy and pain in my head won't go easily. My first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine date was on Saturday evening, and because I was worried about a heart attack, I went to the hospital emergency on late morning Monday. At the hospital emergency, I did run some tests as the procedure of heart attack. I did the blood tests every 3 hours to know if any heart disease and thyroid, X-ray, and also urine test. At the hospital emergency, I received infusion fluids for rehydration, and I took paracetamol with muscle relief as the doctor said. After a half-day at the hospital emergency, the doctor discharged me on that Monday evening because the result of my tests came back negative which meant everything is good! And the doctor gave me the advice to drink lots of water! And yeah, I didn't get a fever in my first dose but got another side effect. Finally, I was relieved!πŸ€— And the doctor gave me paracetamol with contained muscle relief that I had to take. After coming back from the hospital emergency on the evening of Monday, gradually my pulse runs normally, my body felt much better, little by little my dizziness is gone as well as I took paracetamol that contains muscle relief. In total, for a week I didn't do any activities at home, just sit tight or lay down watched my favorite channel!😁 After a week took a full rest, I went shopping again as our food supplies run out and back to my daily routine.

Then our second dose came! First was my husband who got the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Well, this time, he was almost got a fever, his whole body was in pain, tiredness, and a heavy head. Therefore he took a full rest; didn't do anything at all at home, and took a leave from work. He took paracetamol and ate healthy meals. On Saturday evening he got the jab and on Monday at late noon, he got better as he could wake up easily from the bed which meant all those side effects were gone. The next day he started working again. Now, what about me; what happened after my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine injection? By looking at the history from my first dose, I prepared myself if I got a fever and other things that could be the worst case. Feeling worried, yes, of course, as my husband told me that it was possible I would get the worst side effects. Therefore, while taking care of my husband, I was eating more oranges, more vegetables, fish, drank lots of water than usual before my vaccine date came! Finally, my date came, that day a few hours before went off to the vaccine center I felt a little headache and took a rest. On that day I didn't do any works at home before the jab. At the vaccine center, I felt nervous as the registerer asked me for detail about my first dose side effects. Because if my blood tests and other tests at the hospital were positive, then my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine could not proceed that day. As my result tests were negative then I could continue my vaccine journey. After coming back home from the vaccine center, I waited for a few hours and nothing which meant I didn't have any sigh of the side effects, no fever, no bad headache, or heavy head, body pain was only on my back neck and shoulder, of course, a little pain on the injection sidearm, no dizziness, my pulse was normal; overall nothing happened. Although I was in good shape, still I left all my housework behind and took a rest. On the second day, I did laundry and watering my plants; on the third day, I did mop the floor already, did laundry, watered my plants. And after did that laundry and mop, I felt a little headache, then it was gone after taking paracetamol. And because I didn't want any side effects following my acts, I decided to take more rest and took aside my work at home. One thing that I noticed was I felt nauseous especially after I ate. My husband said I had to fight it. Therefore, I ate more and more oranges!πŸ˜… As a result, I didn't vomit at all! The good news was after 3 days since the injection, this nauseous was gone! Overall, my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine was just fine as the side effects that I had were minor. Thanks to the veggie, fruit, and fish!😊✌

Here in Singapore, we have a procedure that after the injection of the COVID-19 vaccine, it is mandatory to not take strenuous activities for a week for example swimming, cycling, running, lifting heavy weights, competitive sports, playing ball. Meanwhile, stretching, casual walking, and housework will be allowed and safe we can do it after the vaccination. So, take a leave after the jab is necessary if we are got sick (side effects) and the company understands it. In general, people would take 2 days of leaves. The bottom line is to take a rest after the injection; do not go anywhere but straightaway goes home and take a rest! For me, I didn't left/ go out for a week after the jab (first dose and second dose). And after a week, I started my daily routine gradually not instantly take all the work (especially heavy activities). In my view, our bodies need to adjust. 

Example of strenuous activities to avoid for one week post-vaccination - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti 

I forgot to tell this that after the injection of the COVID-19 vaccine, we have to sit down at the vaccine center for about 30 minutes for observation. After 30 minutes, if nothing happens to us (it could be a dizzy, headache, or anything else) then we can go home and bring a pack of masks and a bottle of sanitizer for free. If during observation we feel dizzy, headache, or anything else, directly we will receive treatment and the doctor at the vaccine center will check our condition whether we are ok and able to go home or send us to the hospital. And yes, we got a bottle of sanitizer and a pack of masks after the first dose and second dose. Since last year, we have gotten many things free from the government for instance oximeter, test kits for COVID-19, TraceTogether token, free mask a few times; all those stuff is useful and helpful as we all know as the test kit for COVID-19 is priceless if we buy at the store. Another good thing is we can check our oxygen level by using an oximeter at home at any time. Back to the observation topic, I reckon, 30 minutes of observation is crucial as I had read out there in another country people got an injection of the COVID-19 vaccine in the strange way (in my opinion) that call drive-through vaccine; people drive their car, arrive at the vaccine center, and still in the car take the jab, and directly exit from the vaccine center. I feel it isn't safe. As far as I can see, the Singapore government guideline is the safest one.

We got a bottle of sanitizer and masks for free - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

I do remember that day when one of my friends said to me to not taking the COVID-19 vaccine because it is dangerous and I could die if I took the vaccine. She sent me a bunch of the name scientists, former vice president Pfizer (she said), some experts in this, and that, et cetera who are anti-vaccine. In addition, she gave me links to information or news about people who have been vaccinated but do not allow to board in-plane, pilots dead in duty after the injection of the COVID-19 vaccine, blood clots, et cetera. It looked that she got all those information from outside her country. Not only that, but she also talked about natural immune and many things that are against the COVID-19 vaccine, do not want to take the vaccine, and if she gets the virus she would rather do/ take traditional medicine not going to the hospital. Well 🀷‍♀️ what I can say, people have free thought on what they want in their life including how they react in this unprecedented situation we face today. People also have a choice about what they want to do in this crisis and the future they want. For me, I must be decisive as I have family that I need to take care of, husband, and brother. Specifically, my brother; has down syndrome who depends on me. Yeah, like my brother when his school as our permission to take my brother getting the COVID-19 vaccine, of course, we consent it as we all know the student and all school employees must take the vaccine (mandatory) so that they are able to study with less worry, held school event. We need to protect each other in this situation and work together as a nation. I took the vaccine because I want to protect my family, my neighbor, and the community where I live. Furthermore, I would rather help others than talking too much against the COVID-19 situation rules, law, and the COVID-19 vaccine.  For instance, giving assistance to the family of the children who receive school assistance from us, sending hand sanitizers, helping to buy hand soap and food, creating a proper handmade mask et cetera. Sending smiles, and spread happiness to others is far more joyful for me by using our energy to acts in positive ways. I do, I really do appreciate my friend's concern, I also thanked her because her country donates the COVID-19 vaccine to Indonesia. However, no offense, I do not have time to looking for those stuff.

Whether we like it or not, this is our world today that we call coronavirus years. My other friend said, "I'll wait until the COVID-19 virus is gone and open my business again." I replied, "This crisis will long run it could be 5 years, we do not know."  For me, both my husband and I, have a future that we want to be. As the COVID-19 pandemic is everywhere, what we can do is adapt to this situation. We are grateful that we were able to get the Moderna vaccine as we know many people from our neighbor country want to get Pfizer or Moderna vaccine but their country does not have it. Other people outside there, they want the COVID-19 vaccine but they don't have access to get a vaccine. So, be grateful for what we have today. Last year, I felt nervous and what I saw was an uncertain future, but today, because of the COVID-19 vaccine and we got it this year, I can replan the future that I want to be, not only my future but family and my brother future. I am confident about it.πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Š

In Singapore, as the Delta variant emerges and creates a cluster, we still remain in phase 2 until today. However, here in Singapore, data shows people who have been vaccinated, when they got the COVID-19 virus new variant (DELTA) it's asymptomatic which means Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine can protect us against the COVID-19 virus. Meanwhile, unvaccinated people, many of them ends up in the ICU room or seriously ill and require oxygen supplementation. Where do I know about that, as I mentioned before, we receive a message (update about the COVID-19 situation) via WhatsApp every day from the government. 

From 10 August people who have been vaccinated are allowed to dine-in and social gatherings with a maximum of 5 people, meanwhile, events such as a wedding can invite max of 500 people if all of them have been vaccinated. What I can say, we are starting to moving forward to what we call a new normal in this coronavirus year. 

Although we have been vaccinated, still we have to take precautions; put up our masks, wash our hand frequently or use hand sanitizer, using our TraceTogether token or App wherever we enter public places like the mall, markets, food centers, et cetera for contact tracing. Moreover, my husband and I still clean and wipe our groceries after do shopping before using them or store them. The COVID-19 safety management still remains in our daily life as a part of our habit in this coronavirus year even though we have been vaccinated. If we have been vaccinated why we still need take precautions? Well, my logic explanation which is my view, by wearing a mask when we go outside, if we get infection of the COVID-19 virus, at least we wear a mask so it doesn't spread to people we meet. Maybe around 3 weeks ago, 2 household in our neighborhood block had the cases. And I think because we wear a mask even thought have been vaccinated, the case in our neighborhood block stopped to spread; only in the two household. This is what I am talking about, I need to protect not only myslef but also my family, my neighbor, and my community.

I have believed there is a rainbow after the storm. Therefore, do not give up, hang in there, learn and adapt to this situation. Keep your courage, stay safe! Bye!πŸ–πŸ˜Š


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse this photograph anywhere else without permission

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