Why Become Jealous People If We Can Learn Something and Inspire Others

Have you ever felt unhappy seeing your friend, or it could be your family when they have a happy family, success in their career, living in the best stage, et cetera? If you are upset about it and start become jealous, from now on stop this habit and do not let this jealous seed conquer your life. Why? Life is beautiful, you can learn in so many things in this world and upskilling. Who's knows, you would inspire others๐Ÿ˜Š

The first time I heard "jealous people" was when I was in grade 5. Suddenly my father had to face court to find justice and took back his job. People who set up him were actually his colleagues which meant his own friends. Why they had to work on dirty hands, were they my father's friends who worked together as a team and friends as well? The word "friend" was nothing to them as it related to desires and extremely jealous people who had not hesitated to cut down the tree in front of them and pushed someone from the cliff to clean the path by bribing the judge to win the case, paid fake witnesses, made the evidence diminish. They even did not care what casualties may emerge, for instance, my brother and I might be dropped out, the worst part was there was no single money left in my father saving which meant we could not buy food because of the fight in the court was not only draining my father energy but also wiped out his money. Even though my father had full confidence would win the case, by the end of the day, he gave up after these grudging "friends" harshly threatened my father and forced him to give up; my father was worried about his family's safety so he chose to pull back. All those things happened just because envious. That's my story when the first time I clearly know what's the meaning of jealousy. 

In my experiences, I had encountered lots of similar things that relate to jealous people whether friends or family/relatives. Most of them were cowards by pretending to become my friends or close family in front of me yet on the back they had been trying hard to take me down to the ground. While a few of them, bravely telling me how jealous they are of all my achievements. A few years ago, one of cousin said that she felt envy of me because I was popular that attracted a lot of attention like a magnet. My name spread fast among students in school and neighborhood. As far as I can tell, I had always good at my academics in school which most teachers and school mate adored me, while in the community which meant in the neighborhood many children who were younger than me gave me higher respect and I became their inspiration and idol. These kids followed me everywhere until I was in high school; sometimes they asked me to teach them how to wrap a present, another time they asked for help in their study, I taught them to make handmade dolls, learned together to make flowers from straw that we collected & made a bag from cardboard, worked at the same place after school to earn some money, planted flowers, and they loved to watch me drawing since those kids liked cute and pretty pictures, for instance, Mickey Mouse, Winnie The Pooh, panda, flower, butterfly, scenery et Cetera.  In my view, it was nothing special about those activities. Those were just my daily life that every villager children could do it. The big question is, are they willing to do it? Like my cousins and many kids, they liked to poke around without any purpose. Therefore, it is not my responsibility if they have a different future. What I can tell, all of those jealous people knew I had been working hard on my study to get where I am today, and I had always wanted to learn something new. There was no reason to have envy feeling on me. But, in reality, many of them (and their parent) hate me because of that even they insult me and bullied my brother.

Achievement is something that we must work on it. And do not think it is an instant to reach it. There is no quick road to get to the top of the mountain, we have to walk through a perilous journey, unless, once again unless you come from a rich family. If we are just commoner and poor, then sit tight and fasten your seatbelt!๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช The key is consistency and never give up. Hence, we do not have to feel greedy when our friends or family member hold a trophy. There is no use to sow envious seeds in our hearts that would lead us to nowhere. Instead, finding something that captivated our passion, work on it, will definitely make us unique and special people. Enjoying designing then craft it if you love it, get the gardening tools and do gardening if you love flowers, go get the certificate of baking and open stall if you fall in love with cakes, cutting the fabric if you are interested in the dress then become a tailor. Moreover, who's knows, what we do right now even if a small from start, it could inspire others in the future.  The point is it has always an opportunity for anyone. Do not get a broken heart just because we are not able to enroll at a university and get the degree while others can. Then hate your friend or family because they get the certificate and great at a university. Instead of feeling unfortunate, we could take a course first to get skills and ability to find a job; saving money consistently, and believe me, after a few years in no time we hold a degree. Isn't that a long road? Yes, it is! Like I mentioned before, consistency and never give. Open your own path, the rest will follow. 

If someone asks me, do I have envious of others achievements? It was hard when our lives turned upside down. I did not have any pretty dress anymore, couldn't afford branded school shoes, especially in my campus life when many female students were fashionable people, and I just wore my father's shirt and clothes made from the cheapest fabric that I bought from my hometown market๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ™„ But who's cares about my appearance? My priority was to study and work hard for a better future. I think it has intriguing stories about it by seeing the fact that I got high respect during my university life even famous among students. I had never gotten bullied at school since primary school. People who bullied and insulted me mostly from close ones such as family or relatives.

I have believed everyone is special even though disabled. So, I would rather explore and learn many things in this life than grudging other people. There was a bunch brilliant student in my school since I was in kindergarten until in university life. Their rank was higher than mine. But, instead of having jealous feelings in my mind, I brushed this kind of feeling out and did something that I was excited about and enjoyed it!๐Ÿ˜‰ For instance, I joined the choir when I was in 6 grade and our school won the first prize in the competition. In secondary school, my friend and I won first place in a sports competition. In high school, I joined a prestigious extracurricular and I had an achievement on this. In addition, picked volleyball as my other extracurricular in high school. The reason why I joined this group was...I was goddam bad at volleyball!๐Ÿ˜… As a result, I got second place in the final sports exam in our final year in high school. Therefore, do not allow jealous seeds to grow in our hearts because it leads you nowhere on this earth. When people stay focus on their target, and you are busy trying to take them down and forget about your future, by the end of the day the world will leave you behind. Do not waste your precious time and start to learn something today while you can.

The most important thing that I did in past was to make smarter students became my friends so I was able to study together with them. As a result, it succeeded to lift up my grade, improve my studies year by year๐Ÿ˜Š So, why should we hate people who have a higher stage than us? There is the possibility to close to them, learn something from them how they work on their success, and get the opportunity to improve future life. 

Why we have to become jealous if we are able to learn something and can inspire others? Do not waste your time, your energy on something that unuseful and could not support you to get your medals. Start to work today and brush off your envy feeling by learning and upskilling. You do not know, what we are doing right now could inspire other people out there.


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission

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