Rising From The Ashes: I Had Never Traveled Anywhere Yet I Decided To Leave My Comfort Zone At 16

No doubt, if you have been told that 16 years old me who have never traveled in any cities would survive in an unfamiliar place, you would laugh. Yet, the reality was far above any people in my village imagined that I had the capability to decide my future. To achieve my dream, I have crucial point where I needed to surround by people who are on the same page as I am or at least people who have a dream and supportive environment. In this case, who were my friends had a crucial stage to determine my future. It means friends were the ones who gave me the courage to open my horizon to see the world.

It sounds strange and foolish for people who insulted me. I had a story; one day someone insulted me that I had no friends, a crazy village girl who live in imaginary worlds as I have a big dream to study at university and would help others. The reason why this person looks moron is that in the real-life, I managed to make a bold decision to study at university in a faraway city and settle down everything by myself. Indeed, I was not doing all those things by myself because I had friends who helped me out and ideas where nobody from my own family or relatives gave me their hands; they bullied and talked rudely to me instead. The ones who had believed in my dream were outsiders which meant people who were not have carried the same blood. 

In sixth grade, it was supposed the time for my father to talk about what my education next should be, where I had to ahead, and prepare for my final exam in primary school. In contrast, no one reached me about how I felt at that time as I needed to face the final exam and enroll in secondary school. While other students had been busy preparing for the final exam by taking courses outside school, meanwhile me? I had no clue and completely did not know what to do as in general, my father would settle any family matters including my school matters. The reason why my father forgot or ignored my academic life was that I presumed he had to focus on his case and I completely understood my father's obstacles. Well, I had another parent that call "mother", isn't it? What can I say about her, she had no interest in academics at all. She wished I was just like common village girls or more likely just like her. A sort of story about this "mother" was that it was not my grandma's fault she drop out at fifth grade since it was her choice. Believe me, my grandma tried hard to take her back to school. And when she was a teenager my grandma sent her to a sewing course with the hope she would hold a certificate and had a skill. And again, she left it. By the end of the day, she ended up without any credentials and any skill certifications. Luckily my father married her, however, the great life she had suddenly disappeared as my father lost everything when I was 9 years old. Back to the topic, It was clear that I stood in my own way and had to make a decision. Seriously, 9 years old girl must make a decision for her future? It is surreal but that's what happened to me. Otherwise, my path would be the same as most villager children; I left school, got married at such young age to an uneducated person, and would stay in the same place forever, and the worst thing is that I would live in poverty. And I chose to refuse all those paths, I set my dream higher and fought for my future.

I graduated from primary school in a messy household situation. Not long after receiving my credential from primary school, in the early morning, I got dressed, grabbed my dull bag, and rode my bicycle ahead of secondary school that just only around 1,2 KM from my father's house to register. Around 200 m before reaching secondary school, I stopped at one of our relatives. I asked him about the process of registering at my destination secondary school. Well, in my village there were only two secondary schools, if one secondary school did not accept me then I went to another one; basically, I did not have much choice back then or it was far from what I saw; I hadn't gone anywhere. And because it was the first time I needed a favor from this relative to accompany me. I still remember until this day that his face was unpleasant and without a word, he just walked with me toward the school. Yeah, he could not reject my favor because my father would be disappointed in him. After arriving at secondary school, I saw my friends and they looked happy and fun. My friends came in a group without their parents as I recognized one of them was risen by a single father; in general, she was independent by settling down anything by herself. At this point, I opened my eyes and just said "I should have gone with my friends." Since that day, I treasured my friends than family or relatives as I knew someday I needed them and only friends who could watch my back. And I thought my friends were much more sincere than my family or relatives.

Incredibly, during my secondary school, I succeeded to made friends with distinct groups across classes. As I was good at my academics, I did not need to work hard to get close with other students since many students were more likely curious about me. Moreover, in my second year of secondary school, I often got in touch with the upper group of students. The upper group was a group of students whose parents had high status in the community based on their occupation; most business owners. However, it did not mean I only made friends with those upper groups, NO! At the same time, I had also treasured others too who came from distinct backgrounds. The unique thing was that each group did not get long, however, I was easy to engage with each one of those groups, and they did not bother at all if sometimes I spent time with another group. Despite the rough situation at home and a financial crisis that made me up and down drastically, I managed to get through the tumultuous time. Working after school, involved in school activities for instance camping, joined martial art, participated in a competition in sport, and in my third year of secondary school I often studied in a group with friends after school because I was unable to join courses outside my school. All those routines kept me busy every day for the whole year! And my relationship with my friends both in my workplace and school got stronger each day so that I did not have time to pity myself, be sad and cry, or feel unlucky in this world because I created my own world where I found purpose in it and happiness.

Furthermore, because of friends, I got a piece of crucial information when one of my friends talked about one of our seniors. She said that a senior studied at one of the famous private schools in our city province and managed to enroll at one of the best universities in the best city for study. "What an amazing story" that was my first impression. It was the first time I heard about a famous and the best city to study in our nation where standing one of the best universities. All of those stories came from my friend's mouth, not from our relative who worked as a teacher or relatives that claimed they were rich. Immediately, I decided to follow my senior step to get into this particular private school and stretch my dream ahead to the best city to study. That was my plan in my third year of secondary school. Although I had never visited our city province or any cities in our nation yet I had believed that I would get my dream by working on it. 

My plan was absolutely clear, however, my father's partner had never supported my excellent plan. I felt discouraged as I tried my best to get enough grades to enroll in my destination high school in our city province, or the second option, and the third option. In spite of my hard work, I had to pull myself together up and no time to feel down. And Again, because I did not know what to do as my father's partner tried to pull me away from my dream; my friend saved me by giving me an option that I did not think about it at all. Yeah, one of my friends would go to a high school in our neighborhood. She and I had been friends since we were in primary school. On the day that we agreed, we and some others traveled to register to this particular high school that was about 20 minutes by local transportation. Actually, I just followed her as I had no idea where was the school. To be honest, I wasn't confident with the last choice. Why? Because I knew if I took this choice, my golden opportunity to get into my dream university in the famous city to study would be gone. But, I could not do anything. Sad, yes I was! My only aim that day was just to continue my study in high school and I would figure out how to get to that famous city to study later. Unfortunately, my friends got rejected by this high school, meanwhile, I got accepted. Since then, she and I had not been hanging out together as we were busy with our new life in high school. Yeah, I realized that friends, sometimes, come and go like a wave. I wish we had a mobile phone like this day so that we could still be in touch. 

In a new environment in high school, luckily, I met new friends and we were so easy to get close. Like in secondary school, many students in high school respected me and were kind to me. My performance moved forward each quarter both in academics and school clubs. In my second year, I got an achievement in a prestigious school club;  I had been sent to training in a camp with other students from another school that had been selected. For about 2 weeks I had been training furiously to prepare for a performance in a big event where our regent was there. Since then, I had been gaining confidence in what I was doing and walked with my head up. In addition, I was able to maintain my academic grades as well so that my reputation spread fast like cancer in school. Back then, there were many smarter students above me in high school, however, I looked like snap their stage especially after I broke the wall of a school rule. What was that? In my third year of high school, the school decided to put me in science class but I rejected it since I consider I would study the economic program in university so that I thought it would be better I was in economic and social class. Many students dreamt to enter science class, but me? I refused. The second rule that I broke was when our school conducted a school trip. My group member was female students, all of them and it was the issue. Again, I  managed it as the group member wanted to tag along with me and they insisted; it was tension between the school trip committee and us. Despite the unpleasant event before the trip, during the school trip, my group stood out, our paper was great, and we had fun! And it all the important matters for us, we were able to make a good paper and enjoyed our time together. Another thing was that my confidence grew stronger where I was able to hold and play volleyball and basketball. As a result, my final sports exam in the third year of my high school result was sitting in second place, and that's amazing for me. Yeah, in order to prepare for the sports exam in my third year in high school, in my second year I joined the volleyball club because I knew that I was really bad at sports and I needed some improvement. Thanks to my seniors who gave me the courage and concern about my sports performance. They gave me a suggestion to join the volleyball club so that I would get a good result in sports exams. The only thing that I can say, my high school life was smooth sailing as I got the support that I needed from seniors and friends (both school friends and workplace). For me, I loved being at school because all people there had positive energy and supported each other. Everyone that I know at school, they were doing their best to get the best of their life in the future. You could say, my friends mostly were school friends which meant mostly students. 

By engaging with some friends with different interests and backgrounds in school, I had learned many things. Although my high school was only a neighborhood school yet I felt glad because in this place I thrived and grew up. Many people surrounded me said that reading books could not earn money and school was useless. However, for me, I put my faith in school because only in this place I could build my confidence to reach my dream. For instance, in my first year of high school, I couldn't barely speak in the front audience when we conducted presentations in the class and I bet my teachers spotted my lack; you know, if we could not speak in front of others no matter how intelligent we are, our path would be hard so we need communication skill. In the second year and third year, my teachers kept shooting me with questions and it forced me to speak out what was in my mind. This regular interaction in the class made me learn to speak out loudly, think fast to answer, make improvements with the answer, and confidently head up without trembling. And this skill was useful when I was in university as I had to complete my assignment by conducting at least two presentations each week. Yeah, it led my reputation to surge rapidly because most students did not have the gut to debate with me in presentation. Thanks to my high school teacher that taught and trained me to speak in the front audience. Well by the end of the day, this skill met up with my job after graduating from university. In my point of view, in school, we are not only reading science, economics, learning art et cetera; here we build our character, mind, and behavior in order to get a promising future. 

After 2 weeks of training in the camp that I mentioned in the paragraph above, my confidence was like a rocket. Almost every day I came up in front of the class to solve math or explain a topic that we learned. I tell you what, this is a funny thing as I was not keen on math; my grade had always been bad in Math. However, since my first year in high school, I had started to be more "like" this subject (Math) in spite of the fact that Math was not my kind of thing. Someone asked me, how did I do to "like" Math? I reckon the key was that time I had a friend who had always been eager to study as I was. We also worked on homework (Math and other assignments) even sometimes we argued with each other about the answer to our tasks. I liked students who were able to argue with me about the answers to our task rather than others who just agreed or followed. And because this student,  triggered me to study harder than before to improve my grades. On top of that, as far as I can tell, my teacher Math in the second year was an amazing person; his personality was great as he had always tried to make Math much more like other subjects. In general, there were many factors in how I was able to step further.

In addition, because of the courageous environment, in my second year of high school, I made a decision to study abroad! No wonder my family and relative called me a crazy villager girl who lives in an imaginary world because for them it was impossible. How did I be able to decide on such a kind of impossible dream? The answer is because I engaged with some students with different interests and backgrounds as I mentioned above; my seniors, my friends, my teachers, all those people somehow helped me to open my door toward my future, be focused, and be less worried. One example is my senior; she lived not far from my father's house. In spite of the fact that this senior came from a poor family, yet she took a computer course in the third year of high school and went to study at a university that was far away from our hometown. What I thought was that if she could do it, so was I. Some of my other seniors also left the village and made adventures; many of them studied on another island and faraway city. Not only that, my secondary friend who told me an amazing story about our senior who studied in the best city for study; that friend, she had been set her foot in the faraway city from our village after graduating from secondary school. She had already studied in the city in order to open big opportunities in her life. Furthermore, I met my first foreign friend when I was in my third year; it was during the school trip. She came into my life and opened my horizon widely; our world is big.

Indeed, my father did not have money to send me abroad. But it did not mean I give up on my dream. First, I needed to get a Bachelor's degree in the best city to study as my plan in my third year of secondary school. In my third year of high school, I hoped that I would get into my dream university in the best city for study but I got rejected as I predicted. How hard I was to study, my opportunity to get into my dream university was very small because I was just a high school student in the village. Wisdom I had heard said, "by attending one of famous or popular or the best school in the city, it will open a big chance for us to get into another the best school." And based on my experiences, I agree with this wisdom. As I said, after graduating from secondary school, I could not do anything. Back to the topic, so it was a rushed time in my life after finishing the final exam in high school. I still remember that time in only a few clips, I embarked to my destination city to study with some friends. Even I did not have time to say goodbye to my other school friends. It was a quick move and no turnback! Most students would go with parents to accompany them to visit and made a register to university, but I settled down everything on my own. Of course not "on my own" because I had a senior from the same high school who helped me in an unfamiliar city when the first time I arrived. The next chapter was that I met many new friends and seniors in university that made my university life was great and unforgettable. Furthermore, I met locals who are becoming my new family in an unfamiliar city. What I can say, despite a mountain assignment and tasks, my university life was smooth sailing.πŸ€©πŸ€—

That is my story of how a village girl like me was able to decide to leave my hometown at 16 years old as consider I had never traveled to any cities in my nation. If anybody says that I do not have friends, a crazy villager girl who lives in the imaginary world, well...the reality is the opposite. Indeed, I do not have many friends, like hundreds or thousands or millions like on social media. But I have friends that one friend is worth hundreds of friends, and they are true friends.

I think some people could say such kinds of things because somehow I am the reflection of what they wish for. Yeah, many girls or boys in my hometown drop out and it was not because of poor parents but mostly thought school is not important, useless, and wasted money. However, after seeing my move, something like burnt their heads. 

As far as I can see, besides the knowledge that I had learned, school is the place that allowed me to grow, thrive, and made me strong personally and mentally. As a result, I left my comfort zone after graduating from high school. If you ask me, "Did I feel scared or worried that time because I was just left with friends in an alien world?", my answer is that I was excited and could not wait for my new life in university.

So, for you who are born and grow up in a village or remote island, do not never feel down or feel unlucky about where you come from.  The future is a mystery, what you have to do is to work on your dream!πŸ‘ŠπŸ’ͺπŸš€

Read a related article about this topic on how cheaper labor like my father was able to send me to university, link here https://ichi-journey.blogspot.com/2021/10/how-cheaper-labor-is-able-to-send-child.html

Another related article on how education has the ability to lift up our life in the future, link here https://ichi-journey.blogspot.com/2021/08/how-education-can-lift-you-out-from.html


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission

Rising From The Ashes: How Cheaper Labor Is Able To Send A Child To University?

Many people would not believe and rather laugh when we are talking about how cheaper labor has the ability to send a child to university. However, it is the reality that no one could not deny when my father who was cheaper labor in a factory could send me to the university. Let's see what my father did in order to prepare for my future.

Once, our life was in the golden age where we did not have to worry about daily necessities, health care, education tuition fees, and retirement; everything was under control until someday all those we had was gone in the glimpse of eyes. We did not expect the nightmare would happen and we did not prepare for the worst day either. The direct effect was that my future education suddenly just disappeared in the thin air. My dream to study at a university looked impossible. That was the reality that I had to embrace. I could not see my path, my future anymore. Everything was burned into the ashes.

To be honest, I did not know what to do as I was just 9 years old student in 5th grade when my father had been busy fighting for his right in court. He did not have any interest in my academics anymore as he needed to focus on his case. Every day, for about a year (until I graduated from primary school), the only thing that caught his eyes was the pile of paper. Nobody talked about what my next study should be as I would finish my primary soon. Since then, I had made my move by deciding my life including my education future, and how I earned money to save my study.

After a year, no matter how tough my father was to win the case, he gave it up as "they" threatened him; if the target was him, he would fight until the end, however "their" aim was my future. My father was a tough cookie, he would never give up so easily, however, if something targeted his children's future, it became a different story where he needed to save his children first on top of anything even though he would be lost anything that he built from about 20 years career. Therefore, my father pulled off his confident moves, gave everything "they" wanted. Since then, he worked as cheaper labor in a factory in our neighborhood. Although the money that he earn was only about $ 4 a month, he hold to this faith. Why? The reason was he had believed that every small step we start would bring us to the next steps. My father resumed his job at almost 40 years old and he did great!

The first thing after my father lost everything, immediately he made a move by asking our family friend if any job vacancy. He would like to take it as long as a permanent job even though the salary was the worst part. Why he was willing to take the cheapest occupation when nobody avoid it? In the beginning, he had no choice, the second was to have a permanent job much better rather than wander around aka jobless. One of those people who choose to become jobless was his brother and drop-out teenagers in our neighborhood. They would rather be jobless and did nothing than take this filthy job; working in the worst smell environment, needed physical and mental strength. Most people do not see what he saw. He had a long-term plan when he took the job. You will see later what were the benefits that my father obtained by keeping this worst job. 

After taking the worst job where no one was not interested in it, the second move was to settle down the goats. What did it mean? he decided to rise the goats. After his shift at work was over, he went to find grass by riding an old bicycle. In total, he rode his bike for 20 km and more a day as he also jump on his bike for work every day. While many people were commuting by local bus or transportation or rather buy a motorcycle by credit and pay installments each month, my father chose to ride the bicycle every day. The first reason was to save money, the second reason was that buying something with installment was not his cup of tea. Rule number one in his life was that "do not buy something that we could not afford."  Additionally, it was not only goats in our back yards, my father had also risen hen and roaster, duck as well. Whenever we needed quick money that day, we just sold one of our roasters or hen. Moreover, the hens provided the egg supplies. On the special occasion, cooking the chicken menu without spending money as we had plenty of chicken in the backyard. 

Another pertinent thing is that my father did the gardening. People might think that gardening is just a hobby to fill their spare time.  On the contrary, this "hobby" thing became my father's side job as he could earn some money from whatever he grew in the garden and yards. The fruit and plants that helped us a lot were jackfruit, lemon, lime, pineapple, and cassava. Those fruits had economic values that whether we sold them or barter them with other food sources we needed one example was that by bartering jackfruit with tempeh, vegetables, and other ingredients. And you want not to believe that my father managed to buy a crop field even after losing his decent job. How? He planted cassavas in the one side garden of our house. Each year this small farm made an excellent harvest where within 2 years the money from this cassava was enough to buy crop field. Thanks to my father's gardening skills, my brother and I also enjoyed the abundance of fruits from our own garden such as mango, pineapple, soursop, guava, rambutan, starfruit, jackfruit. Moreover, we could also cook something from our garden for instance boiled cassava, fried cassava, any snacks from cassava, dishes that were made from young jackfruit, young papaya, or cassava leaves dish. Anything from our yards and garden was useful to fill our stomachs. Well, what I can say, although we had not much money yet we were happy. 

Other skills that my father developed to help our difficult life were the ability to color and cut hair. My brother and I had never gone to the salon to have hair cutting since my father could do it at home. In addition, he was also able to color and cut his own hair. I have always wondered until these days, how does he do it? πŸ€” I have tried it at home too, yet the result is not that great. Besides having hairdresser skills, day by day he was an expert to repair bicycles so that we did not need to spend money on them whenever our bicycles broke. In my opinion, this is a good lesson where we have to learn many things in this life. Who's knows, it could be useful in the future in order to survive in this world. Other skills were he was able to make simple furniture and made a piece of art.

many people thought that my father was only a worker and not able to do business. In contrast, he opened a small business at home when I was in my second year of high school. Of course, he did not have any time left to handle the business as his plate was full, so that his partner had to take of it and he helped to find the materials. What business it was? We made handmade flour crackers, banana & cassava crackers. With this business, we did not too much worry about daily expenses. Therefore, even though my father's monthly salary was not enough to make living for a month, this business covered those lacks in the household needed. When talking about business, after losing his decent job, my father made a small investment in a business that had been handled by a new citizen in our hometown, and they were the couple who gave me school assistance monthly since I was in the first year of secondary school. So both my father and the couple got the benefits from the business relationship, we called it a partnership even though my father invested a small amount of money in this business compared to how big that business was. So, my school assistance was related to the business partnership? Yes! My father got his revenue each month and the business owner added some money to help my school situation (monthly tuition fee, pocket money, or transportation). 

Now the big enquire is that how those things were able to send me to university. The worst job that my father took, at first, it looked useless as the monthly salary was not enough to make living. But, the factory gave my father 20 or 25 kg of white rice each month since the first time he joined the factory. How hard our life was, as long as we had enough rice at home, we were grateful and joyful; we just needed to barter jackfruit, lemon, lime, and a big pack of banana crackers and flour crackers with tempeh, vegetables, some treats. Fortunately, my father could eat freely at work as the factory had a canteen for the worker. For this reason, he did not need to spend money to buy meals in the workplace like before. Another intriguing thing was my father often brought back home leftovers from the factory's canteen, sometimes 1 portion or 2 portions meals. Many people who avoided this job might be thinking that free rice, free meals at work, and leftover foods were not worth compared to the daunting tasks at work. However, my father was grateful and I was happy for him. For us, all those small perks sounded good enough to keep us stay alive day by day.  

Indeed, from the first year of joining this particular factory, my father's wage was only $ 4 a month. However, after a few years, the wage was increased by around $ 40 a month. It was when I started my first year in the university which meant this salary could cover my cost of living in the city on another island. Meanwhile, money from a business partnership was able to cover daily expenses for three people in the household (my father, his partner, and my brother) and other things. Besides providing my cost of living, each year my father paid my rent room directly for a year. Where did my father get the money to pay for my rent room? He sold a goat to do it. My father's goat was an excellent breed, he called them Australian goats, no wonder the price had always been higher in the market. 

Now, how about my tuition fees at university? Most people in my hometown were scared when talking about university. Everybody knows even until this day that sending a child to university needs a big fish and golden egg (a big money). Therefore, only children who were born into silver spoon would get degrees from the university and have a bright future. However, my father changed that mindset by breaking those walls; he was a game-changer!🀩 I am proud of him!πŸ‘πŸ‘Š Not everyone in my hometown has the courage and is brave enough like my father. Believe it or not, among the children in my hometown who succeeded in studying at university were only a few at the time. Mostly drop out from secondary school or high school even though their parent were able to send them to university. They did not believe that school is important to upgrade our life in the future. They thought school was only a waste of money and time. Back to the topic, where did my father get the money to pay my tuition fees? My father was a good planner, every step he made, each of them had one goal; the goal was to save money month by month before the time to pay my tuition fees, he sit back tightly. From crop field, sold some goats, business, little by little he accounted the money wisely and made such meticulous plan. Yeah, sometimes he borrowed some money from the community and paid it for a few months. That's the only debt he took. After all, he had never had been in a debt in his life.

That is what my father did to preparing my university study. I realized that my father cared about my study when he stood behind me to support my decision to study at university. Everybody was against him and hated me. However, one of his colleagues at work followed my father's step by working on something else after the work shift was over for instance driving a trishaw, raising goats. He wanted his twin child to follow my step by studying at university, getting a degree, and changing the future to a bright one. The cheapest labor became a role model for another labor to change the future; that is my father!😍🀩πŸ’ͺ

If you have been told that 11 years old me would study at university in the famous city for study in our nation, and get a Bachelor's degree, no one wants not to believe it. But the reality is the opposite as my father sent me off to study at university in another province where this city is the famous city in our nation to study. I do still remember, everyone got jealous and busy told my father to pull off his decision as they consider that sending me to university was only a waste of money. But after seeing me succeed in my academics, some crawled to follow my steps or asked their children to study at university. Unfortunately, what they got is far below their expectation where none of them get the achievements like I was. 

One day, my father met someone that he knew from his old company somewhere where my father sent off me to go back to the city where I studied. While he was talking with this person with lots of big smiles, confidence, and proudly standing, that person often looked at me and perhaps this person felt surreal about what he heard from my father's mouth. I sit about 2-3 meters from them and I did not clear what were they talking about. However, looking at that person's facial reactions, it was obviously clear that my father talked about me that I was good at academics. Well, it was the right time to send a message to "them" who framed my father that my father survived, did great, his child great at academics, study at university, and have a big dream. 

If my father were still around today, he would be proud that my brother has also finished school even though he has a down syndrome child. Furthermore, he would enjoy his retirement life with joy. I bet he would go on vacation each year and open a flower shop. He loved art, and I would like to send him to learn painting. My father's achievement surpasses and beyond any rich people in our village; he should be proud of it now.πŸŒˆπŸ€—


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission

Start Your Healthy Lifestyle From Small Things At Home


The Journey of Ichi's Family: sweetener to substitute sugar - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Changing a healthy lifestyle is quite challenging for some people. While others are confused where do they start? In this article, I want to discuss ways to begin healthy habits in our daily basis life which is from small things that we can do at home.

I have begun to be aware of my cooking ingredients since I moved to Singapore about 9 years ago. I was perplexed when the first time I did grocery shopping at one of the hypermarkets. I had never seen numerous varieties of cooking oil before when I lived in Indonesia's capital city. I needed to keep up my mind with this new lifestyle; trying to understand what exactly it is about. Then I realized, this is what we call changing habits to get a better life which means a healthy body.

I reckon some people from the place I come from asked me, why I still eat spinach, kangkong, tempeh, tofu, sweet potato, sweet potato leaves, et cetera. They wondered with the life that I have today, why I eat those "kampoeng" (village) foods. In my hometown, those foods are only consumed by people who live in poverty. Maybe I should be grateful when my father lost everything and our life upside down. Because of that tragedy, I had kept my profile low including on foods as my family needed to save money. My brain had been trained to save money and not spend it on fancy meals. This habit stays with me until today where I choose to keep "kampoeng" lifestyle which leads me towards healthy eating. 

To alter a lifestyle is not easy. However, we can start with small things in our regular life such as food ingredients and home activities. One by one to eliminate unhealthy elements in our foods so that we can prepare healthy meals. What are those ingredients? in addition, doing home activities even though a small step would help us to change our habit onto healthy one. Let's check it out!

1. Think About Reducing Salt

Salt is an essential ingredient in cooking. Therefore people use it in every dish they prepare to give it a taste. From vegetable, meat, and fish, all those food sources need the touch of salt to make them delectable along with other seasons. Without salt, even though we add lots of varieties of spices, our foods would definitely be awful. 

As we grow to become adults, we need to consider finding solutions to the salt that we used to. If you do google, you would find that WHO recommends adults only need to consume less than 5 g per day. The reason is to low the risk of some health issues, one of those problems is high blood pressure where it could lead us to get a stroke and any disease in the future. Low-sodium salt is the choice to take the first step onto healthy life. Nowadays, it is easy to find this stuff in the grocery store. The salt factory looks conscious to give the customer choices which one they want. And I hope you are one of those customers who choose low-sodium salt. Or if you are not able to find low-sodium salt, reducing your common salt when preparing food is the best way. Hence, be better to get used to eating less salt.

The Journey of Ichi's Family: low-sodium salt that I choose - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

We have been choosing low-sodium salt for my cooking ingredients for the past few years. I do not remember the exact year, in 2015 my guess. But one thing is for sure it has been years now. This is not a marketing article, I just want to show you my salt choice is Pan Salt. You can choose low-sodium salt from any brand that is available in the grocery store nearby your home.

2. Mind To Replace Your Sugar

I have believed that everybody loves sweets to indulge their tongue, and another enjoys drinking tea or coffee in the morning and evening to unwind the day after work. Despite all whatever the reason, start to consider substituting sugar with sweetener will treat your body much better. 

Have you ever felt sleepy after lunch? Then you think you need a cup of coffee to keep your eye open. After drinking a cup of coffee your sleepiness is gone and you say, "Coffee is my savior, I do not feel sleepy!" Well, in my opinion, you are misunderstood. When you feel sleepy after lunch, it is a sign that your body craves more sugar which means your body has already consumed too much sugar and it causes sleepiness after eating your lunch. And I believe, in a day you are not only drinking a cup of coffee but it could also 2 glasses or more, in addition, you take desserts and any drinks for example coke. Wow, it looks like we store a mountain of sugar if we stay on this path. Therefore, we need to change our habits by substituting sugar with sweeteners such as stevia. You can see the first picture in this article, that is my choice.

The Journey of Ichi's Family: I choose products with this label; sugar below 5% - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Personally, since moved to Singapore years ago, I have started to consider our sugar consumption. It leads me to cook without add sugar to my dish. If you are following Ichi's Fusion Recipes, it is rare to find my recipes use some sugar in them. My habit is the opposite in most Indonesian recipes where sugar is a part of the ingredients in almost every dish.

If you look at my kitchen cupboard, you can not find any sign of sugar in it because I substitute sugar with sweetener stevia. Furthermore, instead of having dessert like a slice of cake, eat chocolate, pudding, et cetera, I choose to eat a wide variety of fruit daily after meals, usually, lunch and dinner. 

The Journey of Ichi's Family: read the label carefully, how much total sugar is in it - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Besides replacing sugar with sweeteners, we also need to be aware of how much sugar is in drinks. We have to check it before buy them, see and read carefully the total of sugar on the label. Here in Singapore, we can choose products with a red triagle label; this is a sign for a healthier choice including drinks.

The Journey of Ichi's Family: a red triangle is a sign of healthier choice - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti 

As we grow adults, we need to consider how much sugar intake per day. In Singapore, about 9 to 11 teaspoons per day for adults. You can imagine if we take morning coffee, afternoon coffee, in addition, eat sweets and dessert, then drinks, we store bad news for our body in the future for example diabetes. Start to substitute sugar in your coffee or tea, choose a healthier choice drink before it is too late. A happy life is having a healthy body. 

3. Substituting Cooking oil

As I mentioned above that I was wondering why lots of varieties of cooking oil in Singapore. Back then where the place I come from, nobody talks about healthy cooking oil. People just buy regular cooking oil that is sold in the market. I do still remember the cooking oil that I used to buy in the market was had a slimy texture, the color was almost brown, and had white sandy residue in it. Moreover, we, villagers, used to reuse cooking oil leftover over and over. Yeah, no wonder my father had high cholesterol and other health issues such as high blood pressure. 

 After moving abroad, I have been learning how to choose healthy ingredients for my meals at home. One of them is cooking oil that use almost daily. For me, it doesn't matter what brand is it, the most important thing is what kind of cooking oil I pick. In this case, I take canola oil, sunflower oil, or olive oil.

Olive oil is the best one to cook with. However, for me, the only problem is the price. Olive oil is pricey in Singapore. Therefore, I pick canola oil for my cooking which is affordable. Moreover, the canola oil has a red triangle label which means a healthier choice. 

The Journey of Ichi Family: The red triangle label on the canola oil that I use for my cooking - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Another point is that I eliminate margarine from my cooking ingredient. Like many Indonesian, I loved to add margarine for some recipes for instance fried rice and for other purposes. Nowadays, I just simply substitute it with butter to saute. 

4. Choose Your Carbs Wisely

The reason why I include carbs in this article is that rice is an essential element in most Asian meals. I am original from Indonesia, however, rice was not the main component in our daily life as most villagers lived in poverty. Many used to cook cassava and corn rice (rice made from corn) for carbs in the meal, and made snacks from cassava as well. Other sources of carbs were sweet potato and some kind like yam. Those sources are definitely a healthy choice rather than common white rice. Sadly, the new generation in my hometown has forgotten about this knowledge that their parents and grandparents taught them. 

I heard once where one relative who had diabetes. Instead of eating white rice, the doctor recommended substitute white rice with corn rice. Unfortunately, this person felt unpleasant about it and made so many complaints. The point is that white rice contains sugar. By eating 3 times meals daily with white rice on the plate, in addition, drinking coffee and tea along, this habit will lead to a chronic health issue such as diabetes.

I have been changing my lifestyle since years ago when we lived in Indonesia's capital city. First, I switched from white rice to red rice. After moved to Singapore, still had red or brown rice and white rice once in a while until someday I chose Japanese rice (short-grain white rice). Since 2016 (I do not remember much) I have been trying to eat varieties of carbs for instance potato, noodles, and sweet potato. It has been a few years now, and I feel great. And from July 2021, I removed rice from my menu completely. The reason why I do not eat Japanese rice again anymore is that my stomach is upset every time I consume rice.

5. Reducing Coconut Milk

As someone who was born and grew up on one of Indonesia Island, I used to eat food that contain coconut milk. Indonesian loves coconut milk to enrich the flavor of the curry recipes for instance cooking young jack fruit, cassava leaves, spinach, chicken, meat, fish, et cetera. Even though it caused me a stomach issue, I had still eaten those dishes for years until I moved to Singapore. Moving abroad makes me concern about what kind of foods we eat daily.

The Journey of Ichi's Family: I eat foods that contain coconut milk and cooking cream once in a while - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

One day, a local (Singaporean) said to me, "I have seen you too often pour coconut milk into your dish. It is bad for our health. we usually substitute coconut milk with milk. Do not eat too much food that contains coconut milk."  It was a good lesson for me. Might be it sounded irritated as back then in Indonesia, no one talked about how bad coconut milk is. However, I took it seriously since it relates to our health issue, having high cholesterol is not good. I do remember that my father had high cholesterol which was led him couldn't move sometimes because his knees were in pain. Since then, I have been trying to avoid coconut milk. Once a month to eat this particular dish is enough for me, well...in many cases, I do not prepare a dish with coconut milk in it for a few months. Yes, I add cooking cream into my recipes once in a while. Do I substitute coconut milk with cooking cream? Yes, however, it doesn't mean cooking cream is greater than coconut milk. The best way just does not too often eat food that contains those ingredients. 

6. Stop Using MSG

Believe me, back then in my hometown, people added Monosodium glutamate (MSG) in every single dish they cooked at home, including my father's partner. It was an essential ingredient as many thought that MSG enhanced flavor in any food. Even though I had a bad condition where I got tonsillitis and was banned to eat any food that contain MSG, still my father's partner did not remove this ingredient from her cooking. As result, I became picky and sometimes I just ate white rice with dark soy and traditional crackers. When I ate home meals that contained MSG, my tonsillitis came back again, and again. I know the cause of tonsillitis is a virus or bacteria that we get from others. Regardless of whether there is any relation between MSG and tonsillitis, that was what I experienced at the time. 

Is that soo bad to add MSG in our cooking recipes? In nature, we can find MSG in tomatoes, and mushrooms, and it is not bad at all as we consume tomatoes and mushrooms. However, I would rather avoid this unnatural MSG that is sold in the grocery store as I experienced a very bad health issue in the past. I also read the label before buy ingredients since it is crucial to choose the right ingredients.

As a result, after recovered from tonsillitis, my body had been trained to identify MSG. Nowadays, I am sensitive to this ingredient, MSG. When I eat something from outside which means buy foods from the food court or eatery, even though they say no MSG, but my body is able to identify this bad element. Just 15 to 30 minutes while eating, I can feel a little sore throat, coughing. Or when I take a snack that has no MSG on the label, if I suddenly get those symptoms, it means the snack has MSG in it.  

7. Elevate Your Vegetable and Fruit Consumption

In the beginning, I decided to cook our own meals were to save money. But later I found out that homemade food is healthier than buy from food stalls as we can pick the ingredients by ourselves and we well know during the cooking processing. On top of that, home cooking is much better because we can add a wide range of varieties of vegetables as much we want. From broccoli, french bean, cabbage, kale, carrot, wong bok, spinach, kangkong, pea sprout, bean sprout, cauliflower, brinjal, et cetera! In addition, start to consume fruit in our daily life. For me personally, instead of having a slice of cake, I would grab an orange or an apple. If I feel a little hungry before dinner or lunch, I choose a banana to comfort my stomach. That is a mountain of vitamins and minerals sources, isn't it? 

The Journey of Ichi's Family: I keep my kampoeng lifestyle by eating vegetable soup and fried tempeh - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

However, I find some people have struggled to alter their habits towards healthy eating. In that case, if you do not keen on broccoli, for example, try to find a way how to cook it in your style by using ingredients you like. In the past, brinjal, french bean, and any stir fry vegetable were not my cup of tea. The reason was that my father's partner put MSG and overcooked. Nowadays, those vegetables are always on the menu. The key is that I found how to cook them in my style.

8. Doing Home Exercises

Do you agree that doing house chores is part of the exercise? Some people find that exercise at the gym is fascinating. However, some people struggle to make a living; join a particular club like that is definitely lavish. For me, personally, spend lots of money to join a gym club member is not my thing. Yeah, you can call me cheapo. 

As far as I can see, for the past years after getting married, I have always needed lots of energy to do household works; from grocery shopping, mopping, cleaning the kitchen, do the laundry, gardening, et cetera. It means we can start to do work out by moving our body at home. Or you can buy a bicycle, and jump on your bike whenever you go out. 

Before the COVID-19 crisis, I used to walk to the market almost daily to buy many things in the morning. From our flat to the market nearby is about more than 600 m. In the market, I walked around from one shop to another for at least 45 minutes, then walk home and my hands carried heavy bags. In some cases, I went back to the market in the evening to buy something again. Or once a while my husband and I walked to the market that was almost 1 KM from our block to buy specific items. That is the good thing living in Singapore where the walk is most likely our routine like many neighbors here.

While at home, I had been doing house chores including gardening by myself. Luckily, due to the COVID-19 situation, I get help from my husband as he works from home so that I can take a rest for a while. 

Just change small things at home by doing house chores would give us some benefits. It does not only alter our habits to become neat people but makes our bodies move. By taking this a small step at least we train our body to work out.

9. Stop Smoking

At first, my father was a smoker. However, after I made a complaint as he enjoyed the cigarette at home, I had never seen him light up the cigarette at home anymore; I did not know in the office. After he was just cheaper labor, the only thing in his head was to save money to send me to the university. Yes, he stopped smoking! Smoking was like burning money for him. You can imagine, how much money you spend a month to buy cigarettes? For my father, instead of burning money, he chose to save it for his children's future. Furthermore, it is good to save money in the bank rather than store illness; smoking means store chronic health issues. That was my father. And now I am a married woman, does my husband a smoker; he is not a smoker either. Like my father, he said that smoking is like burning money. Instead of buying cigarettes, we can use that money to buy fish such as salmon. Salmon is good for our health, or to buy fruit. Isn't that far greater and a wise choice?  Therefore, there are no benefits to smoking every day. What we would get by smoking 3-4 times or more a day is just stockpiling illness. When you get lung cancer or another disease your finances will be broken. I had a relative who are a smoker since a teenager. After getting married he was happy to have a son. However, his son has a lung condition where he must go to the hospital each month and the bill is pricey. The effect to become a smoker is not hurting ourselves but the people around us. Think about that.

Something that bothering my head; I have seen lots of people go to the gym but they take cigarettes after their gym session is over. Another funny thing is that when I went to the market or park, I have met some people do jogging. On my way home, I can see the same people who do jogging but now they are smoking on the side street. I just do not understand what are they thinking. It is clear that their aim is to get an excellent appearance, compliment, and attract women or men. It looks healthy and has an amazing body shape yet there is chronic disease inside an exquisite body.

We can start our healthy lifestyle with small things at home by changing our habits step by step. Reducing salt, replace sugar, change cooking oil, choosing carbs wisely, do not too often eating food that contains coconut milk, stop using MSG, eat more vegetables and fruit, moving your body by doing house chores, stop smoking. It might just be simple things, however, if you commit to altering your habit towards a healthy one, you will find out later that those small steps would give you benefits for your body.

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission


How to Respond Negative Reviews Professionally

Doing business and gain positive compliment from customers is definitely every business owner wish for. However, as the business grows and more customers come to us, we need to prepare how to handle IF some of them give us negative reviews. 

Once when we decided to open a business, we must understand that complaint is a part of it and we can not run or avoid this unprecedented event as we commit become professional in the field that we choose. Like a phrase say, "You can not enjoy the soup without salt in it." Running a shop, a company, etc is not easy peasy as we think because we will deal with and face numerous issues in our daily work. Yes, it is the same when we work for a company, we encountered lots of stressful stuff relentlessly. The question is, "Are you ready to face it when you dedicate yourself to business?" If we want to be a success in the business, we have to embrace it. In another word, the complaint is part of the business and it is our job to hear them out and get better. 

Despite the label "negative reviews" it does not mean this kind of feedback is bad for the business if we can think positively about it. "How come, it will damage my reputation, bla bla...?" You know, right, that there are companies who take a customer survey in order to improve their business and we call it "Marketing Survey." Those companies spend money only to get criticized from the survey about what customers think about the products, services, packaging, et cetera. Hence, when a consumer makes or writes a review directly to us it means free counsel people give us. As a professional, we can convert it into a good thing, for instance, we can improve our business far better than before. For example, the customer writes an online review that the product is bad because of the material we use. We should thank this "negative review" as we can improve our product into the best one by taking care in each step of the production carefully especially the material. Remember, those who give this feedbacks is the customer who purchases the product and they have their right to make a complaint about the business we are in it could be the products itself, the services, shipment, how you respond and solve the problem, et cetera. Just think about it, making the negative comments to push the business surge in the stage by improving the quality in each sectors.

The negative reviews occur when the consumers feel unsatisfied which means not only products but also services, delivery, how we solve issues, one or some of them do not meet their expectations. For this reason, complaints or negative feedbacks emerge on the surface. Although we claim our business is the best in any element, by the end of the day the customers are the ones who decided, not us or the business owner. In other words, we can not lead consumers' opinions. "No, I do not accept negative and neutral feedback, I do not deserve this. I only expect positive feedback." Well, what kind of business owner if you tell this to your customers? If any business owner tries hard to avoid this particular event (do not accept negative reviews), I am suspicious if I am one of their customers. What they are hiding behind? It is clear that something has gone wrong with the business. 

Based on my experiences both as an online business owner and a customer, these are the best way to approach negative reviews:

1. Make an apologies

Back in the place where I come from, there were many small home industries around. I, myself, worked since I was 11 years old to earn money in order to save my education. I often heard this, "Customer is the king." What does it mean? it means no matter what happens if something went wrong, the owner would the first one who made an apology to the customer directly without hesitation, regardless of who is at fault. Do not ever finger point the customers as we will handle it professionally by making an apology. That is how the best customer service would do.

Apologize is crucial in the situation when we get bad feedback. Remember, a customer who makes a complaint is not personal. Therefore do not take it personally, we have to keep cool and professional instead. As I mentioned in the paragraph above, the consumer leaves us a negative review is because the products or services do not meet their expectation. For example shipment issue, why the delivery time takes longer than the seller promise. At this point, we have to respond by making an apology for example, "Hi dear customer or Dear sir or Madam (if we are not sure the customer gender) I apologize that you encountered this situation bla bla bla bla... This gesture will show our positive manner and make the customer feel that we respect them as they are a part of the business.

2. Do not take personal and work as professional

I have believed that every business owner wishes for the only positive comment. However, we are not live in the perfect world and we will get negative reviews eventually. And that is the truth, bad reviews happen as your sales grow. For this reason, do not take it personally and we must handle it professionally. Remain calm is the key to respond by apologizing. Pull away your emotion and do not involve it in the situation when we must solve the issue. Otherwise, you might provoke the customer with bad communication. In my opinion, I would choose peaceful communicating with the customers and not aggravate the situation because the irritating response will lead the customer to end business with us.

Sadly, some business owners ignore this crucial part (number 1). Instead of giving positive gestures, some of them choose to make a defence or act defensively. For instance: "I am shocked by your feedback. I do not deserve negative feedback as I work hard to build this business. It is not my fault why the delivery time takes longer and do not meet your friend birthday. It is damage my reputation, remove your feedback."  Very defensive seller. It sounds suspicious when a seller hides the negative comment. What they are hiding and afraid of? If the seller listens and hears what the consumers say, it will help the business better.

3. Positioning yourself in the customer shoes

In this point 3, imagine that we are a customer who feels frustrated. We come and buy something from a brand with a great expectation service, but it is far below our expectations. As a result, it ruins our beautiful day, isn't it? positioning yourself in the customer's shoes will help us to ease up the following conversation.

A good brand is where they try to understand what the customer is going through and the impact on their side. For instance, someone buys a brooch from us for a birthday present. But the shipment takes more than expected. As a result, the customer complaint about the service. At this point, we must deliver empathy to feel what the customer has been through just like when you want to give something on your friend's birthday, and the gift has not come yet until the day passed by. Make sure to tell the customers that we understand their feeling.

Positioning what IF we are the customer, what we feel about it. Again, do not finger point the customer and said, "It's not my fault!."  Number one rule: apologize to the customer. Although we try hard to become a perfect business, an accident happens eventually and we must be ready to embrace it not avoid it. The benefit is that we can learn from the mistake so in the future if we find the same issues, we know what to do. 

4. Identify the issue and solve it

Once we find out what the consumer complaint about, it is the brand's job to figure out how to solve the issue. We can ask nicely with a polite manner and gesture as the customer wants someone from the organization to hear their obstacle. Take responsible as all those a part of the business. You must know that as a professional business owner we do not leave our customers behind. For example, selling shoes; customer purchases the shoes, we send them, then we do not responsible for any lost package, why taking longer than the promise, or anything about the process of delivery. In another word, people buy something from us, they pay for it, we dispatch them out, then we walk out? This is a bad attitude as a business owner.

As we discover the issue, as soon as possible solve it so that the consumer does not wait for the solution. By offering a hand to help the reviewer, it is a good sign that we care about them and it leads us to minimize negative impact. For instance: shipment problem; the package has not arrived at its destination address. What would you do as the seller when the customer makes a complaint? This is what I did when I encountered this negative review about this problem:

a. First of all, I made an apology. Afterward, I checked where the package was as I had always used registered post so that I could check the process of delivery and I know where the exact package position

b. Inform the customer with the screenshot of the post office update. Let the customer know. And because I choose a registered post for my business, both my customer and I know where the package position

In my case, I would not let my customer face the issue alone. For me, shipping is an important part of my business.  My job was done when my customer got the package safely. Otherwise, if any damage I am prepared to offer a gift or something else. That is what we call giving the best services.

5. Offer the gift

Next is to offer gifts to the consumers who give us negative reviews. What, seriously? In the digital world, in this case, online business, many face a bunch of issues it could be the shipment, the item damage, the products low below the customer expectation, et cetera. Like the delivery issue above, what if as a seller we are not able to check the package because we only use standard post? The solution is to offer something to the frustrated customer. First, we inform that we can not check the parcel and we do not know when it arrives. Be honest with your customer in a polite and good manner. In return, while the customer is waiting for the parcel, we offer gifts it could be a free item that the customer can choose from the shop, a 50% discount for the next order, or coupons.

Many times I have experienced a bad event as a customer. However, the brand has always given me something when they deliver late such as coupons for my next order. It helps me to grow my trust in the brand stronger. Believe it or not, I am still a customer of this product until now even if sometimes I was disappointed. But, how the brand handles the issue is excellent. Instead of finger point their customer with the issue, this brand offers something to solve the problem.

6. Thank the reviewer

Are you kidding me? We should thank reviewer who give us negative comment? YES! As I mentioned before that we need to keep calm to face any issue and do not take it personally and emotionally. For this reason, we should respond to negative reviews by saying thank you after doing consecutive steps above. What does it means? It means those feedbacks give us opportunity to upgrade our firm to make it better than competitor. How? Look and read the reviews, analyze what we can do and apply those as a new strategy in the business. Therefore, answer the bad feedbacks with grace and state that with it will help to refine the business services and serve customer better next time. It is clear that negative feedbacks can help the business grow mature in the future. 

7. Face the negative reviews

To be honest, in my point of view, I do not recommend business owner to ask customer to change their negative reviews. Why? The reason is simple, we can not control public opinion. Even though today we are succeed to change their mind from negative to positive review, someday we will face the same issue for sure as the organization grow we would get more customers and more complaint. Complaint about the style, price, or bad experiences, all those issues is a part of the business journey and we can not do anything about it. For that reason, we can focus on developing and spending time to advance the business in order to meet customer's desires. If we could, we should surpass what the consumer wish for. That is the great goal.

In the business world, no one is perfect. Although we claim that we are the best one in the specific industry, by the end of the day, the customers is the one who decide where your stage. The negative reviews they give us are our opportunity to upgrade the business far more better than the competitor and show you care about customer satisfaction. In conclusion, a negative review does not have to ruin your brand if you can minimize it by learning how to respond negative feedback in professional way.


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permissions


Meet The Cheapest Fruit In Singapore


The cheapest fruit in Singapore - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Living in Singapore, believe me, we have to face how expensive the cost of living here is, at least from my perspective. From property to daily expenses, everything is at a high price. Fruit is only one of them that we need in our daily basis life. And in this article, I would like you to meet the cheapest fruit in Singapore: sweet fig banana!πŸ€—

Back then in my hometown when I lived in my village, I used to eat a particular banana. By looking at the size, it was the smallest banana that I had ever seen in my life. So, it was easy to distinguish from others. This type of banana was abundant and sometimes villagers just gave it to the birds or left it as many didn't want it anymore since every household, once again, every household planted banana in their garden or yards. And it wasn't only one tree but sometimes it grew uncontrollable in the garden.🀷‍♀️πŸ˜… Without any maintenance at all, those banana trees grew well in the garden in every household. As result, we couldn't finish it when the banana season came since no demand for this kind of banana in the market. Because of this reason, we produced banana chips! The important lesson is we can take advantage when there is an abundant food source, create it into something that has economic value, in another word; transform it into business!πŸ€©πŸ‘

At home, as far as I remember, it was only me who like to eat sweet fig bananas. Yeah, 1 part of sweet fig banana just like in the picture above, I could finish it by myself in less than 2 days! No one at home had desired to eat this type of banana as there was any other fruit that my father's garden offered such as pineapple and papaya. Yeah, we had plenty of papaya fruit whether young or ripe in the garden since it was easy to grow. Meanwhile pineapple, well, my father planted lots of pineapples around our house! Because of only me who loved this smallest banana, my brother said that I liked a monkey.πŸ€£πŸ™Š

What I can say is that we are grateful for what we have today. In the past, I could easy to eat a free banana which meant we didn't need to pay for them. This banana was only one of them because we ate many varieties of fruit without spending any single money! It's amazing, isn't it? Although my father lost his decent job, we survived because of my father's gardening skills!

Many years after left my hometown, nowadays, I can find sweet fig bananas in the market nearby our block. I am just glad when I buy it once in a while. The price is 50 Cent! Wow! I assume it is the cheapest fruit in Singapore that we can find! For another fruit, the price would go upper $5 and $10! Yeah, fruit is definitely expensive here. I spend about $50 a week only on fruit!πŸ™„ Yeah, fish (seafood), and fruit are expensive in Singapore; I can't say more about it. 

Even though I realize that buying fruit like apples and oranges is costs money more, I would prefer to buy those fruit each week. If I have to buy banana I have always chosen a sweet mountain banana that has a nice texture which is high-priced and I don't mind about it as I mentioned before in my article before that education has the ability to lift up our life in the future; level up our standard of life. Nowadays, I can enjoy the different varieties of fruits without worry about the price. 

Of course, I like this type of banana: sweet fig banana, however, I can't eat sweet fig banana every day even though it is the cheapest one.  Therefore I would like to eat and try another fruit to get more vitamins from it. Buying sweet fig banana sometimes, well, it reminds me of my old day and it was a good memory to tell it about today!

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse this photograph anywhere else without permission

The COVID-19 Vaccine Journey: Why Did I choose Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine and What Are The side Effects

The COVID-19 vaccine journey - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Have you been vaccinated yet? Maybe many of you still have much thought about the COVID-19 Vaccine as it has side effects that give you more concern, moreover, it is a new technology that experts call mRNA vaccine. For me, personally, I made the bold decision to take the COVID-19 vaccine and I chose Moderna. So, this is my vaccine journey!

Last year was the worst news that I had to hear when the Singapore government confirmed the first case of COVID-19 in January 2020. In December 2019, I had watched the news on TV about the strangest diseases (I didn't understand what was it at that time) in Wuhan-China and I didn't expect that disease (later known as the COVID-19 virus) would able to cross the continent and struck in Singapore. Everything that I had planned for the past 2 years; my study plan and my brother's study plan, it suddenly just diminished and immediately I felt like my soul was gone somewhere. Like many people, I also felt anxious and worried about so many things. Thank goodness, I live in Singapore which means far better compare to if I stay in my original country. Since that day, almost every week, the Singapore government has made a live conference on station TV where we can easy to watch and hear about the COVID-19 situation update from the authority directly. The government provides as much information as possible about everything in this unprecedented situation. For instance: after the first COVID-19 case was confirmed, people was panic and rush to stockpile foods, sanitizer, vitamins, et cetera. With the help of the live conference, me, personally, felt less worried as the government sent a message that national stock was in good shape which meant we did not need to wipe out those stuff in the supermarket and did shopping normally.

Besides making live conferences, here in Singapore, the government sends daily progress of the COVID-19 cases, any information relates to the COVID-19 via WhatsApp. So, I receive that information via WhatsApp from the government. Not only how many local and import cases but also provide information about new rules, vaccine information, and recently (on 19 August) the message said that 77% of the total population (in Singapore) have completed the full regimen (the COVID-19 vaccine). Furthermore, we can visit the government website in this case Ministry of health if we want to know detail about something.  As a Singapore resident, I just feel grateful.

In December 2020 last year, we had begun talking about the COVID-19 vaccine as the government would soon roll out the vaccination program. early 2021, I felt not confident to take the vaccine as I read news from outside about the side effects, moreover, it is about the new technology that scientists have created to make the vaccine. What is mRNA, it sounds unfamiliar, and I just knew the old method to create a vaccine. Like many people, I had so many inquiries in my head. While waiting our turn to get the Covid-19 vaccine, both my husband and I watched the government live conferences, read our local news, and heard and read carefully what the government advises. For us, hearing the government's advice is important as we all know in this crisis there is a lot of information about the COVID-19 vaccine out there that we do not know their credibility. Many people get the wild news about the COVID-19 situation because they read or get the information from social media and unknown sources, it could be watching YouTube as well. Fortunately, I am not kin with social media such as Facebook so that the wild news does not consume my rational. For us, following the government's advice is the best move to embrace and face this tumultuous time.

Finally starting from 2nd July 2021, an age below 40 is allowed to book the vaccine date at the vaccination center. Here the vaccination center is Community Clubs and Policlinics and we can choose. The vaccination program from the government is only Pfizer and Moderna. And of course, because it is a government program we have the guarantee or call it insurance for instance if we get side effects and hospitalization, the government covers it. Both my husband and I decided to choose Moderna. For me, the reason why I prefer Moderna is that I have food allergies for example crab and honey. Meanwhile, for my husband, the reason why he followed me choosing Moderna is that to get the faster book and less crowd; in sort word, we have more options which the date that we wanted. Yes, mostly Singapore resident takes Pfizer so that is why we need to wait sometimes to booking our vaccine date or the booking date is fewer options. We booked our vaccination date at different times so we could take care of each other if we got the side effects, my husband a week earlier than me.

Based on our neighbor who got the vaccine earlier than us, they didn't have or almost no side effects or minor, while other got body pain, headache; another felt very sleepy, and had a fever. Therefore, we had prepared ourselves if we got those side effects after the jab. I also bought and stocked more vegetables, fruit, fish, and any prebiotic food for example tempeh and Yakult (cultured milk from Japan). Buying more broccoli, spinach whether red or green, lots of oranges, more salmon stock. The reason why I did this act was that I wanted to minimize the side effects by eating healthy foods! Is that any related by eating healthy food can reduce side effects? I don't know, but who's know healthy food will help😊

The first who got the first dose was my husband on that Saturday evening in early July 2021. After the injection, came home, and took a rest didn't do anything at home even not helping laundry, cooking, or anything; fully taking a rest! He didn't have a fever; only a little bit dizzy (minor) but was gone after 3 days. Of course, felt little pain at the arm where the jab was; it is gone by itself after a few days (give it a week). He didn't take paracetamol at all! On Monday he started to work; of course, work from home. Overall, his body reaction was good when received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Now my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine; my body reaction was different as after 4 hours of the injection, I started feeling heavy on my head, my whole body in pain, tiredness, dizzy, and my pulse run fast because I could hear it. I didn't do any activities after the jab but my heartbeat was run like I did exercise (jogging). So I lay down and watched my favorite TV channel LoveNature.πŸ˜… I took paracetamol but the heavy and pain in my head won't go easily. My first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine date was on Saturday evening, and because I was worried about a heart attack, I went to the hospital emergency on late morning Monday. At the hospital emergency, I did run some tests as the procedure of heart attack. I did the blood tests every 3 hours to know if any heart disease and thyroid, X-ray, and also urine test. At the hospital emergency, I received infusion fluids for rehydration, and I took paracetamol with muscle relief as the doctor said. After a half-day at the hospital emergency, the doctor discharged me on that Monday evening because the result of my tests came back negative which meant everything is good! And the doctor gave me the advice to drink lots of water! And yeah, I didn't get a fever in my first dose but got another side effect. Finally, I was relieved!πŸ€— And the doctor gave me paracetamol with contained muscle relief that I had to take. After coming back from the hospital emergency on the evening of Monday, gradually my pulse runs normally, my body felt much better, little by little my dizziness is gone as well as I took paracetamol that contains muscle relief. In total, for a week I didn't do any activities at home, just sit tight or lay down watched my favorite channel!😁 After a week took a full rest, I went shopping again as our food supplies run out and back to my daily routine.

Then our second dose came! First was my husband who got the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Well, this time, he was almost got a fever, his whole body was in pain, tiredness, and a heavy head. Therefore he took a full rest; didn't do anything at all at home, and took a leave from work. He took paracetamol and ate healthy meals. On Saturday evening he got the jab and on Monday at late noon, he got better as he could wake up easily from the bed which meant all those side effects were gone. The next day he started working again. Now, what about me; what happened after my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine injection? By looking at the history from my first dose, I prepared myself if I got a fever and other things that could be the worst case. Feeling worried, yes, of course, as my husband told me that it was possible I would get the worst side effects. Therefore, while taking care of my husband, I was eating more oranges, more vegetables, fish, drank lots of water than usual before my vaccine date came! Finally, my date came, that day a few hours before went off to the vaccine center I felt a little headache and took a rest. On that day I didn't do any works at home before the jab. At the vaccine center, I felt nervous as the registerer asked me for detail about my first dose side effects. Because if my blood tests and other tests at the hospital were positive, then my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine could not proceed that day. As my result tests were negative then I could continue my vaccine journey. After coming back home from the vaccine center, I waited for a few hours and nothing which meant I didn't have any sigh of the side effects, no fever, no bad headache, or heavy head, body pain was only on my back neck and shoulder, of course, a little pain on the injection sidearm, no dizziness, my pulse was normal; overall nothing happened. Although I was in good shape, still I left all my housework behind and took a rest. On the second day, I did laundry and watering my plants; on the third day, I did mop the floor already, did laundry, watered my plants. And after did that laundry and mop, I felt a little headache, then it was gone after taking paracetamol. And because I didn't want any side effects following my acts, I decided to take more rest and took aside my work at home. One thing that I noticed was I felt nauseous especially after I ate. My husband said I had to fight it. Therefore, I ate more and more oranges!πŸ˜… As a result, I didn't vomit at all! The good news was after 3 days since the injection, this nauseous was gone! Overall, my second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine was just fine as the side effects that I had were minor. Thanks to the veggie, fruit, and fish!😊✌

Here in Singapore, we have a procedure that after the injection of the COVID-19 vaccine, it is mandatory to not take strenuous activities for a week for example swimming, cycling, running, lifting heavy weights, competitive sports, playing ball. Meanwhile, stretching, casual walking, and housework will be allowed and safe we can do it after the vaccination. So, take a leave after the jab is necessary if we are got sick (side effects) and the company understands it. In general, people would take 2 days of leaves. The bottom line is to take a rest after the injection; do not go anywhere but straightaway goes home and take a rest! For me, I didn't left/ go out for a week after the jab (first dose and second dose). And after a week, I started my daily routine gradually not instantly take all the work (especially heavy activities). In my view, our bodies need to adjust. 

Example of strenuous activities to avoid for one week post-vaccination - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti 

I forgot to tell this that after the injection of the COVID-19 vaccine, we have to sit down at the vaccine center for about 30 minutes for observation. After 30 minutes, if nothing happens to us (it could be a dizzy, headache, or anything else) then we can go home and bring a pack of masks and a bottle of sanitizer for free. If during observation we feel dizzy, headache, or anything else, directly we will receive treatment and the doctor at the vaccine center will check our condition whether we are ok and able to go home or send us to the hospital. And yes, we got a bottle of sanitizer and a pack of masks after the first dose and second dose. Since last year, we have gotten many things free from the government for instance oximeter, test kits for COVID-19, TraceTogether token, free mask a few times; all those stuff is useful and helpful as we all know as the test kit for COVID-19 is priceless if we buy at the store. Another good thing is we can check our oxygen level by using an oximeter at home at any time. Back to the observation topic, I reckon, 30 minutes of observation is crucial as I had read out there in another country people got an injection of the COVID-19 vaccine in the strange way (in my opinion) that call drive-through vaccine; people drive their car, arrive at the vaccine center, and still in the car take the jab, and directly exit from the vaccine center. I feel it isn't safe. As far as I can see, the Singapore government guideline is the safest one.

We got a bottle of sanitizer and masks for free - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

I do remember that day when one of my friends said to me to not taking the COVID-19 vaccine because it is dangerous and I could die if I took the vaccine. She sent me a bunch of the name scientists, former vice president Pfizer (she said), some experts in this, and that, et cetera who are anti-vaccine. In addition, she gave me links to information or news about people who have been vaccinated but do not allow to board in-plane, pilots dead in duty after the injection of the COVID-19 vaccine, blood clots, et cetera. It looked that she got all those information from outside her country. Not only that, but she also talked about natural immune and many things that are against the COVID-19 vaccine, do not want to take the vaccine, and if she gets the virus she would rather do/ take traditional medicine not going to the hospital. Well 🀷‍♀️ what I can say, people have free thought on what they want in their life including how they react in this unprecedented situation we face today. People also have a choice about what they want to do in this crisis and the future they want. For me, I must be decisive as I have family that I need to take care of, husband, and brother. Specifically, my brother; has down syndrome who depends on me. Yeah, like my brother when his school as our permission to take my brother getting the COVID-19 vaccine, of course, we consent it as we all know the student and all school employees must take the vaccine (mandatory) so that they are able to study with less worry, held school event. We need to protect each other in this situation and work together as a nation. I took the vaccine because I want to protect my family, my neighbor, and the community where I live. Furthermore, I would rather help others than talking too much against the COVID-19 situation rules, law, and the COVID-19 vaccine.  For instance, giving assistance to the family of the children who receive school assistance from us, sending hand sanitizers, helping to buy hand soap and food, creating a proper handmade mask et cetera. Sending smiles, and spread happiness to others is far more joyful for me by using our energy to acts in positive ways. I do, I really do appreciate my friend's concern, I also thanked her because her country donates the COVID-19 vaccine to Indonesia. However, no offense, I do not have time to looking for those stuff.

Whether we like it or not, this is our world today that we call coronavirus years. My other friend said, "I'll wait until the COVID-19 virus is gone and open my business again." I replied, "This crisis will long run it could be 5 years, we do not know."  For me, both my husband and I, have a future that we want to be. As the COVID-19 pandemic is everywhere, what we can do is adapt to this situation. We are grateful that we were able to get the Moderna vaccine as we know many people from our neighbor country want to get Pfizer or Moderna vaccine but their country does not have it. Other people outside there, they want the COVID-19 vaccine but they don't have access to get a vaccine. So, be grateful for what we have today. Last year, I felt nervous and what I saw was an uncertain future, but today, because of the COVID-19 vaccine and we got it this year, I can replan the future that I want to be, not only my future but family and my brother future. I am confident about it.πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Š

In Singapore, as the Delta variant emerges and creates a cluster, we still remain in phase 2 until today. However, here in Singapore, data shows people who have been vaccinated, when they got the COVID-19 virus new variant (DELTA) it's asymptomatic which means Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine can protect us against the COVID-19 virus. Meanwhile, unvaccinated people, many of them ends up in the ICU room or seriously ill and require oxygen supplementation. Where do I know about that, as I mentioned before, we receive a message (update about the COVID-19 situation) via WhatsApp every day from the government. 

From 10 August people who have been vaccinated are allowed to dine-in and social gatherings with a maximum of 5 people, meanwhile, events such as a wedding can invite max of 500 people if all of them have been vaccinated. What I can say, we are starting to moving forward to what we call a new normal in this coronavirus year. 

Although we have been vaccinated, still we have to take precautions; put up our masks, wash our hand frequently or use hand sanitizer, using our TraceTogether token or App wherever we enter public places like the mall, markets, food centers, et cetera for contact tracing. Moreover, my husband and I still clean and wipe our groceries after do shopping before using them or store them. The COVID-19 safety management still remains in our daily life as a part of our habit in this coronavirus year even though we have been vaccinated. If we have been vaccinated why we still need take precautions? Well, my logic explanation which is my view, by wearing a mask when we go outside, if we get infection of the COVID-19 virus, at least we wear a mask so it doesn't spread to people we meet. Maybe around 3 weeks ago, 2 household in our neighborhood block had the cases. And I think because we wear a mask even thought have been vaccinated, the case in our neighborhood block stopped to spread; only in the two household. This is what I am talking about, I need to protect not only myslef but also my family, my neighbor, and my community.

I have believed there is a rainbow after the storm. Therefore, do not give up, hang in there, learn and adapt to this situation. Keep your courage, stay safe! Bye!πŸ–πŸ˜Š


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse this photograph anywhere else without permission

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