After 2 Years of Stepping Down, Where is Ichikraft Now?

About two years ago, I made the decision that the Ichikraft Etsy shop closed temporarily. However, even until this day, I am still with the same commitment; my Ichikraft shop on Etsy will be frozen for some time. Therefore, what is the reason behind this decision that I made and why?

Today, I just wrote an announcement on Ichikraft Etsy shop that my shop will be frozen for some time because I have been busy with my study preparation. It means the main reason why I am unable to open and take orders is that I can not handle orders from customers (if suddenly someone buys my product) while I am preparing myself for my further education. Furthermore, I have mountain house chores daily and family business. In another word, my study preparation alone is a daunting task, along with housework and family matters, unfortunately, I must choose which one I need to focus on, and I have to get my head down for it. 

It is not easy to cut down my activity in this particular work since I love designing handmade flowers and cat collars. Because this is something that I enjoy even though it earns small money. However, since the beginning, I know what I have been doing and what the next step that I need to take on. Therefore, this decision is not in rush or in one slide as I have made this plan since 2018 or after I finished my program at Curtin University. I have always planned my life further since many years ago. For some people, this is crazy because sometimes I make a plan for the next five years and what I want to achieve during those years.

I started to make cat collars in 2016. Afterward, for a year I practiced every day until I found my cat's collar masterpiece design. Then, in 2017, I wanted to continue my passion for handmade flowers that have begun in 2008. However, because I moved from one city to another and eventually relocated abroad, I put back this handicraft work. In short words, I have a long story on this certain job. While practicing both on cat collars and handmade flowers, I tried to sell my work on an online platform and it was not Etsy. Moreover, I rented a tiny space in a particular shop in a mall. However, despite all efforts that I made, there was nothing good happened as that certain shop in the mall did not allow me to put my brand and logo, in this case, ICHIKRAFT. The shop was not given me permission to put the ICHIKRAFT contact number, and e-mail address. Basically, they just tried to prevent the customers directly contact us. As the consequence, customers would not able to recognize ICHIKRAFT as a customized unique product. As part of marketing's work to make potential customers interesting in my products, the shop's policy just dragged down my ICHIKRAFT. After 3 months I quit because the rent was pricy, meanwhile, I did not make any return. On the other hand, the online platform that I joined, was not suitable for Ichikraft business at all. In the end, I left the platform for good. 

During my journey with Ichikraft, I started to join online courses in 2016. In general, besides working on handicrafts, I am studying as well. Day by day my schedule has become tight and I put study over my Ichikraft. The reason why I enrolled in some courses was that I will come back to school. Therefore, in order to make me ready, I joined courses first to familiarize myself with the academic schedule and environment. In 2016, I hadn't decided where I would ahead to. Just after finishing my program at Curtin Unversity in 2018, I was able to decide where I wanted to continue my study. Since then I walk step by step to reach the goal that has been planned. The plan was to keep my handicraft work until 2019, then in 2020, I must prepare myself for further preparation as I chose to study in another country. Because of this, in 2020, I closed my Etsy shop for a while. 

If you are following Ichikraft you easily notice that I made an announcement in early 2020 that ICHIKRAFT on Etsy closed temporarily due to the COVID-19 situation. An unexpected event like the Coronavirus crisis was also another reason why I must step down from my business. The impact of this particular situation was an increase in shipping costs. As compared to before COVID-19 struck our world, I charged the customer SGD 12.50 by using a registered post. But after that, the registered post becomes SGD 22.00 to SGD 25.00. Wow, it sounds crazy, right? You can imagine, the least price of ICHIKRAFT's product was about SGD 17.00, supplementary along with shipping cost, it's too much for my customer. Meanwhile, I do not offer another option for the shipment because first, I want to protect the package as mostly our customers are from abroad. Second, I want to protect both our customers and us as well as both of us being able to track the package. With this method, I hope ICHIKRAFT gains the trust from our buyers. However, indeed, there were still unprecedented events that occurred, for instance, the buyer provided us an incorrect address, or the buyer moved to another address. As result, the package didn't arrive at their doorstep despite the best delivery service we provide. So, in a nutshell, the double shipping cost since the coronavirus situation is partly the reason why I decided to step down from this work. 

I wish I have a partner in the ICHIKRAFT business so that I am able to keep my Ichikraft business open. Unfortunately, I do not have one. Sometimes, I imagine that a friend or a relative could support this small business. For instance, when ICHIKRAFT gets an order, this friend or a relative could work on the order and make a shipment while I am busy with my study preparation. To admit it, this is a good idea to keep ICHIKRAFT running. Sadly, some people think that creating ICHIKRAFT's products is challenging. Even before trying to make it, one of my friends say she could not do it although with a very simple design. Eventually, maybe someday I have to let ICHIKRAFT go. 

Nowadays, I am still working on my study preparation and it is a daunting task. Moreover, it drains my energy a lot. What I need right now is to sharpen my mind on this task as I have put my faith in education. Therefore, I haven't decided on the ICHIKRAFT future. Furthermore, I have a family business that I need to settle down. There is a mountain of work that I have to do even in the upcoming year. However, the good news is that Ichikraft keeps the project goes where we assist some villager children in Indonesia. Hopefully, you support this Ichikraft project!👍

Thank you to my dearest customers who have always supported us. We appreciate your kindness. Ichikraft wishes the best for all of you!🙏


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission

Rising From The Ashes: Quiet and Outdated Girl Yet Popular and Become a Role Model

Talking about a popular or famous girl alone,  in general, describes someone who is good-looking and fashionable. Whereas to be a good example for others will requisite some sort of achievement. Therefore, I want to share my story today about how someone like me who was out of a skirt from fashion was able to gain fame in school and community. I hope some people out there who do not have enough confidence in what they are capable of could stand up, keep going on their dream and work on them despite where we come from or obstacles because our future is not determined by what we are today. 👊

Many people said I had no friends, no boyfriend, a quiet and shy girl who had never blended with others yet in reality, it was conversely. The reason why they made an assumption was that simply those people were not in my circle and had never engaged in any of my activities.  Although they were family members or claimed my relatives, considering the distance of their houses only from 1 KM up to 2 KM, they rarely came to my father's house even during the festive season. If it was not for my father's sake, I would rather visit my friends than pleased those people. Keeping my relationship with them wasn't worth it because the ones who supported and lent me hands were my friends and their family member. Take one example, my friend in my third year of the secondary school gave me a picture of which city I could go to study in; after graduated from high school while many family or relatives objected to my father's decision to send me to university in the famous city in education, I went to my destination with friends and searched for university information with them. Moreover, my friend's family member helped me to settle down in the unfamiliar city. In a sort word, even though we had the same blood in our bodies, the fact is that those were only a bunch of stranger people. Another reason was that I spent most of the day in school, in school clubs, joined school activities, studied with schoolmates after school, engage in community activities, and worked to earn some money to support my school and personal necessities. Because of those scramble schedules, you could say my life wasn't fun at all; my day wasn't a typical day, and my life wasn't like regular preteens or teenagers either. Unlike other preteens or teenagers who had always congregated without purpose as mostly villager children drop out (mainly only hold primary school certificates) and absolutely did nothing for the entire day; they had plenty of time to poke around. Some others may be students too, however, they were not interested in school things and chose to hang out without a positive aim. In another word, most of my friends were schoolmates who were from another village and friends from work. As I managed to get into the best school in the village and kept continuing my study I went further and farther while many children in my community grew and stayed in the same place, interacting with the same people. My interest, my social life, my mindset, my goal, my habits, et cetera, all of them made me different from others. Thus, a high wall and barrier had been created by those things and they were not able to reach my world. My big dream led me into a certain world.

It was a hard time when my father lost his decent job because at the time I must to adapt to a new environment in secondary school and had no idea who was my new friends. My appearance was less and less flattering and easily noticed that I came from a low-income family; had a low-quality uniform, and carried a regular school bag and shoes that were sold in any shop in the market. Moreover, at home, my outfit was horrible because I had never renewed my clothes since my father lost everything. Furthermore, my skin got darker each day and dull as in my first year of secondary school I also collected grass in the field nearby to feed my father's goats without proper protection from the soaring sun and had never taken care of my skin, face, and hair properly as I only afforded a cheaper body lotion and put the lowest price of powder on my face. To hold a pretty title, a girl in my hometown had to have black shiny hair with fair skin, be taller, and be fashionable from toe to hair which I was not in any of those possessions because I was like a walking skull, too skinny, my hair color wasn't black, and I did not grow tall either. I mentioned in another article, that in Secondary school where mostly my primary school girlfriends grew taller and good-looking girls, I was just a skinny little girl with dull skin. At this point, I was supposed to be an easy target for bullying at school and community. But, on the contrary, I became a well-known and respected student at school. On top of that, I was a role model in the community where my father's house had stood. Because of this reason, my name preceded me. How I managed to gain it, well, the answer is advancements! It was not easy but it was worth it to fight for!👍

Despite all the difficulties that I had to face, I decided to embrace and endure them in order to help my father to get back his dignity. I might mention before that my father got humiliation by his own colleagues. They did everything including bribing the judge, the investigator, and the police, disappearing the evidence, bringing fake witnesses, and the ultimate thing was threatening his family life in this case my future. The only reason why my father dropped the case after a year worked hard on it was because of this bunch of cowardly people used me as a shield. If you do not believe that evil does exist, for now, you must rethink what you thought as evil walks among us and they are human like us. They set up my father in order to kick my father permanently from not only his position but crushed him until no hope. Because of this reason, I set a high dream to shut them up. Therefore, instead of feeling ashamed as our lives turned upside down, I endeavoured to reach my goal. My goal was clear and I knew what I had to do. Determination with the massive effort led me to become a bold girl, at least that was what I had believed for years.

Looking back in my first year of secondary school, for weeks, someone in my class had always made fun of me for instance saying unpleasant things. But, after the first quarter, he retreated as my performance in academics surged rapidly and got acknowledgment from teachers in the school and many admired me. As a result, I had been trusted to correct my classmates' regular exams in one particular subject. The teacher delegated this work to me, yeah I was like a teacher's assistant.😉 Furthermore, I had been pointed to becoming the class's finance including the secretary. Basically, each class had the president of the class, vice president, secretary, and finance. Those positions had a distinct duty. My duty as finance was that anything related to money was my job to manage. However, I do not recall why my job in the first year of secondary school doubles as secretary of the class as well.🤔 If one of the teachers did not come because of family or other reasons, my duty was to lead my classmates to write resumes from the textbooks or it could be an assignment. So, I stood in front of the class and wrote on the blackboard with white chalk to guide my classmates, yeah, particularly like a teacher. Although without a teacher in the class, my class was still quiet and behaved. As far as I remember, my class became a good example for other classes. I had kept my finance or secretary of the class until my third year in secondary school in spite of my academics falling down in the second year. One event that caught many students was that my mark on another particular subject in the second year outraced the smartest students in school. Therefore, it kept me on the line as one of the respected students and got acknowledgment from students that came from the upper class in the community. From there I made friends with some of them. The bottom line of this story is that, instead of feeling down and pulling myself from society, I was able to stand out among the crowd and tried my best I can do whether in academics or outside academics. What does it mean outside academics? There were a bunch of school activities that could expose our talent and capability, and the important thing was to find new friends. Take examples: I took a challenging performance as nobody did not have the courage to try, or it could be in art and music; at least I can sing and draw. Unfortunately, the secondary school did not have a choir club so I joined another performance in dance sport; joined force with students from different classes in the competition and we won the first prize! Besides exposing myself in the performance I was good at baking and handicrafts too. I do still remember one day in my second year of Secondary school, we had a baking assignment or project using cassava. While others including the smartest students made simple regular snacks that villagers made at home, I come up with the idea to create a cake with cassava flour made from scratch. My group member was thrilled because this task was successful. No one had made a fluffy cake by using cassava flour as one of the ingredients before. So, it was a huge accomplishment!🤗 

What about my relationship and how did I manage to make a friend? I was not the kind of person who likes to please others in order to get close to people, even until these days. Indeed, for basic courtesy, whenever I met a new individual I greeted them. However, getting close to me was challenging especially for boys. The reason was that I was recognized as a smart girl surrounded by a number of friends (and they were loyal friends). Only the male students with certain levels (excellent in one or some subjects or any achievement) had the confidence to get close to me. In another word, average male students and non-students had never chanced into my circle since I had a penchant for studying and had spent most of my time in school; in high school, I was off for school at 6:15 am and got home around 4 pm (but in school clubs; I had gotten home at around 5:30 pm). As I mentioned earlier that I had gone further and farther as I kept continuing my school. I think because of this reason some people made an assumption that I was a girl who had no boyfriend and friends; in their view, I had always been at home and never seen me hanging out around. Thinking back about it, I was not interested in romance and preferred friends rather than having a boyfriend because the right friends would give me benefits such as information about universities, cities, living outside our region, and anything that I did not know about education fields. Once again, since my dream was big, I needed to collect information as much as I can to support my goal.

Indeed, considering that I was not a pretty and fashionable girl, getting friends was virtually impossible. But it was not my case, I had never offered others anything (I did not have money to buy snacks or gifts for my friends) yet they were willing to trust me and comfortable with me. I had a story when I was in high school, even though I talkless person yet recognized as a leader for small group students (students from the same village as me). One day the smartest student in high school approached me in an unfriendly manner when I went to the restroom. She asked me whether the total record of my academic report outpaced hers. Until today, I failed to figure out how I looked intimidating to others, and sometimes, for some, I was like their rival. On top of that, I became the center of attention in school; mostly knew me but I did not know them all. The question is what exactly did I do to gain relationships, and how did I have loyal friends, particularly someone like me famous in school? The answer is that "treat people like you want to be treated." Respecting others and never underestimating people; are those principles that I hold. Indeed, I was a quiet girl but that meant quiet was not shy. "Quiet" meant that I wasn't interested in other business; I did not like gossiping, bad mount others, busybody, drama queen, et cetera. I interacted with other students in school at first because of the same interests for instance martial art club, sports, floral surroundings, music, some subjects, handicrafts, and so on. Fortunately, I liked so many things so that made me a likable person. Sometimes, even the smartest students did not get respect like I was, or they were not popular enough because their behavior and manner were bad which made them hated by others, or some did not join any school performances or school club that could meet literally new people and extends the connection; to expose what we could do and show it. In high school, I managed to get involved in three major performances. yeah many of them (smartest students) stayed in their comfort zone as they had believed that none of those things mattered. Well, everyone has their own goal, right? What I did was had tried my best to reach my dream.

Besides the same interest to make a friend, it was easy to meet new friends in the workplace. Of course, because working in the same place, I became their friend despite our different goals. Some of my friends in the workforce range from 6 years old kids to young adults and mid-age adults. You bet, while working packaging snacks, we talked about customers' complaints, how to improve the snack taste to meet consumer desires, simulate the cost of the product so that the business kept running, the inflation that affected the cost of living and hit the business, and many adult issues. So, I was like in the economics class.😅 You guess why I chose to study economics.🤔😁Yeah, the business owner had always opened discussions daily with his employees in order to improve his business. Remembering those days, they were excellent villagers, they acted like the CEO'S company; their ideas, and solutions, managing unhappy customers, reputation, how competing and cooperative with rivals, and budgeting, were remarkable! You won't believe that my boss was a teenager; at 16 years old bought a house and opened a business. Even though the house was a 500 sqm bamboo house with a soil floor, he saved some money for years while working as a laborer after primary school to buy his own house. That is amazing, right? In addition, my adult friends were stretched by working at two different places. No wonder, I was well-known in the community since I was a hard-working girl and studied hard at school at the same time. For that reason, I became a role model for the young generation in the community. At this point, you bet, some children in the range age 5 to 8 years old followed me around when I was at home; asked me to teach them to wrap the gift, made handicrafts together, or just watched me draw. It was silly when someone asked them why they tagged along with me, their answer was that "she is our queen." I wonder what happened to them after I left my hometown to study. I heard some managed to study at a famous school on another island and got a good job, others? I do not know. Those days were amazing! The greatest of my joy is to share my spirit to keep studying at school and get degrees no matter what it takes even though tomorrow is doom day, I would keep working on my dream; that is my spirit. Yeah, many villager children in my hometown were talented and had huge potential. However, I could not do anything and was hopeless as I, myself, was struggling each day to survive. So, if you are following Ichikraft Give and Care articles and relate them to my stories you could easily notice my motive why I have tried to assist villager children even though only some of them. Today only some, but who knows when someday I hold the highest degree in education which lead me to an occupation with a great perk; my hands would reach a number of villager children. Crazy? Yeah, I have always had the craziest dream.

Meanwhile, in the community, I was active in particular interests and often did volunteer. Washing the community carpet was one of the tasks I did at the time, and when the community held an event for youth I participate in it as a host. Although at first, I did not have any experience, adults helped and taught me. My intention just wanted to help and be useful in the community where I lived. Occasionally when one of the residents held an event, without hesitation if I had time I assisted them; it could be serving food, helping cook et cetera. I mentioned in another article that I did a baking job to help one of my neighbors without payment. In return, I went home with 250 g- 300 g of cookies daily which was enough to make me happy because my brother loved cookies. In my mind, 300 g cookies would cost me IDR 25,000 which was almost the same as my total salary in a month because on average I earned IDR 28,000 for a month. In my calculation, helping this business was just worth it and I had never complained about anything.

You can say, my friends came from a wide range of ages with a range of interests; there were from my school and other schools, workplace, younger ages, the same age, young adults, adults, and even the elderly, whether they clever or average as long they had the same interests and even I made a friend with a disability girl; those were my friends' backgrounds. Despite my appearance, who care about it since many of my friends looked at me as someone who worked hard to achieve something, had never bothered others, and never looked down on somebody else. It just simply says that what I did to gain trust and respect was "treat people like we want to be treated." Indeed, I had experienced some unpleasant events, for instance, one of my friends avoided me because I was not fit anymore in her circle. Another event was on my first day in high school, I got rejected by a girl who looked fashionable. However, none of those mattered to me because I had believed only accomplishment would prove who we are and what we can do; whether in academics or outside academics. Appearance? It is just a matter of time to transform. Education will lead us to be decent people, right? Including improving our appearance. Never feel out of the blue if you get a rejection, just keep going and work on your dream. Even, recently, I got this kind of rejection to make a friend. This person sees me only as a housewife with a lower profession (making cat collars and handmade flowers) compared to her who holds a master's degree and professional work. My reaction was just to move on.😎

And of course, during those few years, there were still some people who were unhappy with me for some reason. Whatever their reason wasn't my issue. Being a well-known and respected person in school and the community would create jealousy in others. However, I just ignored it and kept going and showing what I was capable of. Because if I took their bait I might pull off myself from society, and as result, end up being bullied by others. This is the main reason why I wanted to share my story in this article. Although we live in the 21st century, either in a big city or a tiny village, bullying is everywhere, especially in school. So, if you are a bullied target, then stand up. Instead of taking the baits, you must figure out what best you can do; it could be in one of the school's subjects, physical activity (P.A), joining the club that you are interested in, or being active in the community where you live. Do not ever pull yourself from society and find friends through the same interests. If you do so, you will be able to achieve something, eventually, you might be able to be a well-known person in school and in your community like I was. So, do not easy to give up because this world is big and there are many things that we have to explore!👊🔥


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission

Housewife, Dressing up? What Is It For?

My simple dress up - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Different cultures have different customs. Therefore it leads to how the way people think, behave and see something; in this case, is a housewife which is a married woman in the people's eyes. Why does a housewife need to dress up? What is it for?

Some of you may think it is a silly question since a housewife is a woman and basically, a woman takes lots of care about their appearance: what dress they should wear including color, material, design et cetera; put on makeup, updo the hair, dye the hair, et cetera. Unfortunately, as I mention above is that where we come from influences the way people see a woman who is a housewife or nowadays we call a housemaker. Back then in the place where I grew up, once when a woman get married, mostly abandoned something that they used to pay attention for instance wearing a nice and neat dress, intending to make a clean hairstyle; in sort words, they care about their appearance before hold a title "a wife." The reason was simple; a wife should not do those things anymore because taking care of the household and family is the top priority. Furthermore, a married woman does not have to be attractive anymore. It sounds ridiculous in my eyes and I object to this perspective.

Someday someone I know asked me, "Why do you want to buy a blazer, what is it for?" Considering that I have always been at home and a blazer is identical to a career woman; so a blazer is unnecessary for me who is a housewife. In general speaking, married women from the place I come from easily pick clothes in daily life, for instance, comfortable dresses usually sleepwear which is a loose fit, a T-shirt, and pants which are basically sleepwear. Meanwhile for me, having at least one blazer in my closet is essential. I would rather wear this type of cloth than a common jacket one example hoody jacket when doing airplane travel. Besides wearing it during travel, I need a blazer for some occasions such as visiting a government agency and other occasions. Some people may walk into a government office building with a casual look by wearing a T-shirt, but not me. I do still remember, during my university life, every time we attended class, we, students, must wear nice neat clothes on us for instance female students wore blouses or shirts with a trouser or a midi skirt or skirt below the knee. Walking to the class with T-shirt and putting on a sandal without a sling wasn't acceptable and the lecturer would kick us out of the class. Wow, it was rigid.😅 I guess those are for our own good as students which means we have to dress up properly on campus to show that students are intelligent creatures; the future of the world on their shoulders and the ones who would build and lift up humanity. If we visit a beach, a T-shirt and sandals or flip-flops are the best. So, my point is that married women and especially those who are housemaker, they need to respect themselves and show what the best they are.  One of the acts that could apply is to start by dressing up at home.

I grew up in a community where many looked down on housewives/ homemakers. Even though those housewives run a business at home or playing role in the community, still many say these women do not have a job as the culture portrays a career woman is one who works outside the house. However, if a homemaker levels up their appearance, it will change people's perspective and lead to gaining more confidence, trust, and respect from society. Yeah, a small act of dressing up is able to alter the way people think about housemaker. But do not get it wrong that a homemaker/ housewife needs to dress up to satisfy others. No; the reason is to get the benefits and take advantage of them. For instance to connect with people who are able to elevate skills, and knowledge, or at least to find a community who walk on the same page. Finding the right community, and the right friends are the most crucial moment as they would help in the development and improvement of the housewife. In another word, a housewife needs to empower themselves. I have seen some cases around me where a housewife feels powerless and insecure. This is a serious issue in a society where someday I found that a married woman had kept the married vow even though her husband cheated and was violent to her for years. She worried about so many things if they divorced. This is a real issue for some or many women out there. Some people say married women need to dress up to avoid a cheat that could their husband does. I disagree with this view. For any married woman out there, please do not ever think that a wife needs to dress up for the husband; NO, ladies. The purpose why a housemaker/ housewife gets dressed nice and neat is to give respect to yourselves as I mentioned earlier. Furthermore, use it to gain confidence, trust, and achievement; get the power from it and become a smart and strong woman. On top of that, with that possession, you have never been afraid of the word "divorce."  Of course, when a couple takes a vow, they want to stay until death. However, in the journey, in some cases, inevitable events occur. As a result unexpected divorce could happen. So, dressing up has the ability to level up a woman's degree? That's it! Yes! Be a strong woman and empower yourself!👊💪

Today, we are in the 21st century where many women hold certifications, degrees, and skills in many fields, isn't it? If we are searching or googling we could easily find plenty of married women who not only take care of their family and do housework but also hold achievements and dedicate themselves to building up a better society. Judging by their look when you meet them outdoors somewhere, you would not notice they are housemakers. Our world changes rapidly. If we do not change, it means we are just someone who is left behind. And I am glad that I decided to move out from my father's house at 16 years old as I chose to study at university on another island where I met lots of people. From there, I have learned not only to become smart but also an optimistic, resilient, and determined person.

The Journey of Ichi's Family - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Based on my experiences, a housewife is able to look properly even at home by choosing a simple design yet appealing. One example, wearing a simple short-sleeve or sleeveless blouse along with an A-line skirt below the knee or right on the knees (whether bold color, light, or printed); you could wear a culotte with a light v-neck or front button blouse, or one-piece dress with A-line design and sash belt on the waist. For me, I do not recommend hot pants and a mini skirt at home. How about T-shirt?🤔 Well, nowadays, I am not a fan of the T-shirt as my daily look; unless I feel sick and need bed rest then a loose-fit T-shirt is my choice or sleepwear is nice too. Besides considering the simple design, choosing comfortable material is essential. Personally, cotton is my favorite material as it is comfortable because I need to cook and do house chores!🤗 However, I change clothes at noon because hot weather we have here. Well, talking about makeup, to be honest, I am not that good to apply those things on my face as I have sensitive skin. Therefore, I only have 5 to 7 things: moisturizer (or it could be tint moisturizer), powder, pencil eyebrow, mascara, lipgloss, and eye shadow; hm actually I use 2 or 3 colors of eye shadow is enough for me. Well, many times I can go without powder which means only tint moisturizer.😅 Polishing nails is also something that I like to do since I design flower ribbon a few years back; sadly, nowadays I could not do that as hand sanitizer affect my nail polish. Apart from my sensitive skin, at home, do not overdo makeup like we are going to a night party. Moreover, updo your hair nice and clean; a ponytail for long or medium hair length is an easy one plus when doing house chores your hair won't messy. One more thing is that flip-flop is not my cup of tea since I earned money at 11 years old. Even though going to the market nearby I would rather put on my flat shoes or my sneakers. Some people feel comfort by wearing slippers or shower slide sandals on daily use when going out one example to the market or go on shopping, but not me. I do have slippers but I use them inside the house. Another thing is that do we need to put on jewelry at home? Well, just a pair of earrings is a good idea; and please do not be too crowded; wear earrings, some rings, some bracelets, and a necklace. Yeah, if you do that you like a Christmas tree.🙄

The Journey of Ichi's Family - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

It sounds easy to look gorgeous at home without overdoing it, isn't it? To transform into this "stunning look" needs some money, right? Well, in my experience, we could find budget clothes yet elegant; many I find in sales. The key is to find your style which means you must know what is the best design that suits your body. Meanwhile for makeup, unlike many women who like to collect lots of makeup items, my tint moisturizer is enough for 3 months. So, for me, it is not a big deal to buy face accessories. 

So, wake up in the morning and get ready! A wisdom that I had heard in the past is waking in the morning, getting dressed up, and starting the day early will lead us to success in the future. Do you agree? I am 101% agree!🌞👊

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission 


Does Transformation Lift Up My Life and What It Means To Me?

Does transformation lift up our life? I assume some people agree, while others are unsure. However, based on what I have experienced for the past few years, well, what I can say is that transformation helps me to upgrade my life. How transformation could lift up my life, what exactly is a transformation in my view?

Many said that I look different, I have changed, I am not the same as I was in high school or secondary school, et cetera. It has been about 2 decades since I graduated from high school, and definitely about 17 years since I have finished my Economics program (Bachelor's Degree) at a university. Within those years, many people out would have changed tremendously, and I would like to alter my life too. It could be habit, behavior, environment, lifestyle, the way we talk even walk, appearance, what else? You tell me.😉 Unfortunately, some people that I know in the past, look they are still in the same stage and have never grown; everything surrounding them is the same as many years ago. that is what I can see in them. What I am thinking is that different dreams will lead us to a different world and paths, do you agree? I presume this is what happened between me and them; what kind of dream we are working on we would land in a different world.

Back then when my family was in a golden age life, my brother and I had always had the good stuff among family members or relatives, and villager children such as foods, garments, shoes, bags, toys, and even the way I talk, my hobbies, my habit, manner, and so on; I was different from most children around me. The one who taught me those things was my father. Smart only isn't appealing to upgrade our life in the future, but the manner, morality, habit, behavior, there are some of the other things that we have to level up to get a great outcome. It was the view that my father had tried to show me. However, since our life turned upside down at the bottom of the sea, my brother and I just like most villager children; one example, we lacked nutrition, we wore dull clothes as we did not have the budget to buy new clothes, our skin got darker each day, I had a lot of small coin scars on our legs because of insect bites, my school shoes and bag were just bad quality which was identified as a low-income family, and...many things. On top of that, in secondary school, while my friends had grown taller, in good shape, and had bright skin, and me? I was still tiny, I had only grown for 3-5 cm tall, skinny girl with brown dark, and dull skin. You can imagine, in my third year of secondary school, my third-grade clothes were still fit on me; it was indicated that I had never been growing. Whether I like it or not, my family finances just broke! I could not do anything about it.

I had a hard time when I enrolled in secondary school because my transformation had just begun. First, it was my first live test whether I could accept the reality; my father lost his decent job, and as the consequence, I lost my bright future. To be honest, I felt a broken heart at the time. If many people have broken hearts because of love, my heart broke because my excellent future was gone! It was soo much pain that I had to endure. The second, was I able to cope and rewrite my own future into a beautiful one? For 11 years old girl, it was a big deal. Moreover, I needed to figure out all of those things on my own. Yeah, when my father was a successful career man, many people wanted to tag along, but when he was nothing, everyone avoided him. Ironic, isn't it? In my first secondary school, I entered a new environment that made me nervous about whether I would be able to fit in this new place.

Despite all the chronicles that happened in my family after our financial breakdown, I would rather choose to fight for my future and put my faith in education. In my mind, ignoring what people said was my priority since I needed to focus on building up my mentality into a stronger one, studied hard to become a smarter girl, did something outside academics, trained my habit and manner, positive in mind, so that I would able thrive. In order to grow, I wanted to accumulate achievements because only with it I was able to step up. To improve my appearance was just a matter of time. Therefore I was interested in making a friend with students in my school and people outside the school who were willing to make a friend where we could support and help each other to move forward. Besides building connections, I was active in the village community by helping my neighbors or volunteer work. Furthermore, since the first year of secondary school, I started to work to earn some money to provide for my school matters. Despite my scramble time as I had been busy, I managed to learn new things, for instance, making handmade bags, scrunchies, or any handcraft with my friends from outside the school, familiar with the sewing machine at home, learning baking with my kindness neighbor, spending some time drawing, and once in a while I taught younger children who lived around my father house to wrap the gift, made handmade small doll, also drawing. Those might be small achievements but helped me to become who I am today. Yeah, some friends wonder how I am able to create handmade flowers even playing with the brush on the ribbon, not only making cat collars but designing them; they asked me whether I took design class or art. Others said that I had always studied yet I can cook now; where and when I have learned that such kinds of skills which are completely different from my degree. I wonder when?🤔 This is my answer, well...I got all those skills and knowledge during my transformation process where I had stored them every single day in every inch of step.🤩

Indeed, during my transformation process, I had encountered rejection. The first was in my second year of secondary school when one of my close friends from the same primary school avoided me because I wasn't "cool" anymore as I used to be in primary school. The second was on my first day in high school when a girl who sat next to me was faceless when I did a basic courtesy; and the next thing I knew she avoided me. So, what did I do then? I move on and left them behind. Instead of feeling down, my motivation to get achievement surged as I managed to find friends who were on the same page as me. We were growing together each day, and pretty much I had always made good marks in each school I enrolled in. Those friends helped me to navigate my dream and showed me the path. That's amazing, right?🤩 Meanwhile, a close friend and that faceless girl who avoided me, I had never heard what they achieve in school. My ex-closed friend did not manage to get into high school where I enrolled (this is the best high school in our neighborhood village), and she married after graduating from high school while my friends and I sailed out and enjoyed our university life. She and her entire family moved out from their property and have never heard about them anymore. Considering she was good enough and smart, I wondered what happened to her. Meanwhile, a faceless girl on my first day in high school, neither academics record nor school club, her name had never been written as one of the top students in our high school. Thinking back on how she behaved toward the low-income students who were far below from fashion and did not match her taste, her life today is just regular. This is the best lesson that I have treasured, no matter where we are come from, who we are today, it does not determine who we will become in the future. Therefore sharpening the ability, skill, and knowledge, to build up strength to get achievements are what I had worked on to lift up my life. Transforming our life into a bright one isn't easy especially when we come from a low-income family. But nothing is impossible if we work on it and never give up. And of course, it is a long way journey, moreover, it needs a mountain of work. I can say to reach the goal is a daunting task. 

Since I have my faith in education, from that place (school) my transformation had begun, and able to upgrade my life which means my life's standard. Indeed, I am not a millionaire but at least I was able to get out from poverty. You can imagine if I chose to give up my school, do I able to have my life today? The answer is no. As my dream is to get a higher education and help others, it does lead me into different paths from many people I have known in the past. Along those paths, appearance is just a matter of time to improve. For me, personally, transformation is not about how do we look, it is more about how to achieve something in my life to reach my dream. If with naked eyes I look different today, it is just a bonus from my hard work. For instance, dress up wearing decent clothes and put on makeup daily, it is because I want to give respect and reward to myself. And the more important thing is that I do not have to buy expensive stuff to look good. That is the reason why while working hard to achieve something we must upgrade our manner, morality, and behavior along the way.

Other people maybe have different stories about how their transformation has begun as everyone has their own goal. Meanwhile, for me, my focus has always been on education how I get a higher education. Even until these days, I have still worked on my dream. That is my transformation story!👊✌🙂

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  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
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  • YouTube channel: SG Bird Cam

Christmas 2021: Creating Good Memories During Special Event

One of our presents for one of our neighbors  - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

I wrote about the Chinese New Year 2022 not long ago, and today I would like to share what was look like Christmas 2021 with my neighbors as we have been busy so this article is kinda late. However, it was a beautiful moment for us since it could be our last Christmas in Singapore. So, I think marking unforgettable memories with my neighbors in this blog is a must-do. 

One of cakes from one of my neighbors - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

As we have something to have to do for our future, my husband and I decided to move forward. Therefore, Christmas 2021 might be our last moment with our neighbors here to share happiness and spread kindness where we gave presents or cakes or cookies before a Christmas day. If you are following our story, I mentioned before in my article that I had been growing up in an environment where we had always shared good things with others. For me, personally, leaving good memories would be beautiful especially when we haven't settled in one place which means we have to move to another place. Finding a hundred enemies in one day is easy but we can not find a real good friend in a day. Sometimes I hate when I had found good new friends then I must leave again, again...start over my relationship in my new environment. Feeling sad as we might have become besties in the following years. However, I am glad and relieved because I left good memories for them and also for myself so that I can always remember that I had a good life and happy life while living surrounded by them.🤗

One of a cake packet for one of our neighbors - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Look at the first picture above, yes, it was one of Chrismast present for our neighbor's dog. Her dog is adorable and I couldn't resist giving a gift on a special day. We sent some cakes to our neighbors and also my good friend. For Christmas, usually, chocolate is the best choice, however, since one of my neighbors has given us an expensive Christmas cake, my husband wants to buy a good cake to pay back all the kindness and heart-warming from our neighbors. Furthermore, we might be not staying in this place anymore next year. Is this goodbye? This is some kind of feeling that I hate when I must move again and leave my good friends behind.😭

A Christmas packet & birthday gift from my sweet friend - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Despite our good intention, we did not have time and had been busy, as result, we got an ambush from the neighbors. Unlike the year before, Christmas 2021 was different as our neighbor came first before us. I was surprised! Another cookie and a gift arrived and it came from my friend who lives in another district. I was really happy not because of the cake or cookie and the gift but their heart toward me is warm. As I mentioned in my article before that exchanging foods to celebrate festive seasons is not a competition who are wealthier. This kind of tradition is like how to show our gratitude toward others. We have been busy with so many things in our daily life and so are our neighbors and friends. So the festive season is a good time to make a visit bring a cake or cookie and have a little chat. In my opinion, food is a comfortable thing that we can share with others especially if we cook it at home, it must be special. I hope someday if we decided to settle down in one specific place I can do cooking for our neighbor just like when I lived in my village where everyone had always shared with neighbors their home cook foods daily.

A Christmas present that I sent for one of my Japanese friends - Photographed by Ryo Rakusui

This is a memory that I want to create in every step of my life. Creating good memories wherever I stand and live, meeting new people, and making a friend. Christmas 2021 was something special as it might be the last time we shared a happy moment with our neighbors in Singapore. Feeling sad? Of course, however, I am relieved because we have created beautiful memories while we are still around. 

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti and Ryo Rakusui
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Raising From The Ashes III: New Year with Old Dream

Do you have a new dream in 2022 or something that you want to accomplish? Well, if you ask me, "I do!" However, my dream in 2022 is still my old dream, yeah, a new year with an old dream that has made me strong through the rough time. I have held this dream since I was in the fifth grade and I am still trying my best to get it no matter what happens even if tomorrow is a doomsday, I would still work on it.

Not a long ago, someone that I knew asked me, "why don't you just become a normal housewife, enjoy life, feel blessing every day, have kids that will make you happy." I have heard many kinds of comments, rude words, insulting words, et cetera a lot during my journey since I decided what I wanted to be in the future. It happens years and no one can break my dream, instead, I am used to taking those discouraging words to build a bridge and make a leader so that I am able to step higher and higher.

When I was in primary school, maybe first grade, third grade, or fourth grade (I do not remember the exact time), once, only once, my father said something to me. He told me this, "Study hard, get to the university, study marketing, hold a degree, and work in the marketing field." Believe me, I had no idea what "marketing" is. For me, it was the first time I heard that word, and I was completely clueless about marketing. However, I reply "YES" to respond my father wished. After that day, I forgot about our small conversation, especially after my father had to fight a case in the company where he worked. That time when my father lost his decent job, I was also lost my future; my future! How is something like that related to my future? It sounds intriguing, isn't it?

Talking about my dream, everyone, all children which were my friends had always said wanting to be a doctor or police officer when someone asked them what were their dream. However, I stayed still when someone questioned me what I wanted to be in the future, what was my dream. Why? It was too obvious because my future had been written since I was born I guess and I did not need to reply or explain it because people in my father's circle would understand. My father had always said again, and again when I was a little that I must study hard and stay in a good performance in academics so I would get a schoolship from the company. The company where my father dedicated his life offered scholarships for its employees' children who could stay in the at least top 10 in the class. exclusively, for those who were able to sit on the top 3 in the class, they would get higher appreciation. From high school until university, the company would give full scholarships. Moreover, after graduating from university and holding a degree with a good academic record, directly would be hired by the company with a great term. Therefore, I did not think to have a dream because my life was guaranteed by the company until I retired and my next generation. My father and I, both of us had believed and were confident in my ability, no doubt about it.

After I lost all my opportunities for my great future, I was helpless; I was just 9 years old girl. Someday one of my friends who was my senior gave advice. She said, "you will go to secondary school soon, now you are in fifth grade, time to think about your dream, decide what you want to be in the future." She said again, "Once you get into secondary school the teacher will ask you what is your dream and why you choose it."  I could not sleep in peace since that day, I was trying hard to find my dream, my purpose in this life. I do not know why but I was a primary school student who was keen on news on TV.  I watched it daily at 7 pm and 9 pm. I found out it was intriguing things, especially the economic news where our country succeeded to create a new variant of paddy that suited our climate and made farmers happy. That new creation affected farmers financially. As a result, the economy had run smoothly because life was easy. For example, in my hometown where many worked as farmers, they had a good time since their crops were enough to cover the cost of living. From there, I made my decision, what I wanted to be in the future. Despite a broken situation I encountered because of my father's case, I had tried my best to finish primary school and made a big decision where I wanted to work after school to rescue my school situation. You can read a related article about it here You can say, to keep my dream alive it has always been rough and heavy until these days. However, for me, there is no time to give up.

My plan to get my dream was meticulous great each step. But something hit it again not long after graduating from university where I just started working. Less than a year I received a threatening message and a few months later I almost died because someone tried to eliminate me from the world. I was depressed, lost my job, lived in frugal life. Then in the same year, my father passed away. It was completely give me a massive hit. I could not even think of my dream anymore, everything just burnt into ashed and disappear into the air. Day after day I just tried to survive. For years I have tried to heal the wound in my heart, kept positive in mind, done something good in my life like help others, learned something new to keep me busy, and move forward with the hope that I will have another opportunity to accomplish my old dream; study Master, get Ph.D. and do research. It is not a piece of cake because I have to take care of my down syndrome brother as my father is no longer alive. Furthermore, I must think about my own family. After the tragic tragedy that happened in my life, all my plans reset from zero point. It sounds not good because I need to build up my plans from scratch again.

If you are following The Journey of Ichi's Family, I have written a series article with the title "Rising from The Ashes; you would get a hint why I can not just become a regular married woman. I have stood up for my future since 9 years old when my father lost everything. At 11 years old, while my friends were playing around, hanging around after school, I went to work until 9 to 10 PM and morning to night on Sunday and school holidays just to earn some little money to support my school and my own expenses. You could say I was 60% an independent girl at that time as I was able to provide my own matters, except for food I still ate at my father's house; other than foods, I am proud to say that I bought from my own money that I earned! To be honest, I wished I could just be a normal student girl but I couldn't. If I wanted to get a high education, I had to make a sacrifice which meant I needed to leave my fun time and drown myself in the workplace. Even after marriage, I am still different from most people where I come from where at home, I do writing, gardening, making handmade flowers & cat collars, taking some courses & a specific program, also have tried to have a small business. I have been questioned by some people about "what for" a married woman does many kinds of things, wants to study for a Master's and get a Ph.D; it is too many wishes considering that I am not in 20s anymore. Sometimes, we do not need to explain and that is what I have done because some people do not understand and are not able to reach what I am preparing and working for the best future, not only for me and my next generation but also for my brother's future. For me, getting a high education is a must-do, because from there I can resume my career ( a good one), work in the field that I have always wanted to, dedicated the time that I have left in the research so that I can help others. Yeah to be a researcher I must get Ph.D., isn't it? Moreover, by having stable finances, I will be able to send my brother to the best down syndrome school where he can live in peace and happily ever after with lots of friends, finding his purpose in this life with a good school program. To send him to this particular school needs an amount of money and is not cheap. Furthermore, assisting villager children monthly who want to stay in school would be easier if I have a good income. And all of these things are starting from the degree that I hold. You can say, that is my motivation why I am eager to study Master's and get a Ph.D. 🙂 

It has been 15 years since I graduated from university and hold Bachelor's degree. For years, my dream has never changed and I am still insisting on my old dream since I was in fifth grade; getting high education and helping others. Every new year I have always kept my old dream alive no matter what happens. Indeed, it is not easy to climb this massive towering mountain, but the more challenging it is, the more persistent I am. Am I crazy? Yeah, maybe I am, like some people who marked me as a crazy village girl who wanted to study at university. But I succeeded in getting into university and got Bachelor's Degree in the past, right? Having a high dream is not crazy or living in an imaginary world if we work on it.

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission 


Sharing Happiness Through Food to Build Up Relationship with Neighbor

 Happy Lunar New Year 2022; Year of the Tiger - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

First of all, wishing you an awesome Lunar New Year; wishing you the best of luck, health, and career! I am excited to share my happiness at this special event where we spread our happiness by food. Like I have always done that we gave cake or cookies to our neighbors. 

I have read and heard that some people have always said that living in Singapore is hard because the neighbors are individual people who won't talk to other neighbors especially foreigners and hard to get along with locals. However, I do not know how to put this, but we do not have that kinda experience. Since the first year we moved to Singapore, we have always met nice and kind neighbors who care about us regardless of race, language, and religion. How did it turn out like that, meanwhile others struggling to adapt? Blending with locals is the key, at least in my opinion. Knowing locals' culture, traditions, food, habit, environment et cetera, all those things are an important part in order to build the relationship with the neighbors. Therefore, we also feel happy to join this festive season, Chinese New Year since I come from mix culture as well.

Lots of orange during Chinese New Year at home - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Back then before I left my hometown to study, on some occasions, my father's house had always bustled with people. When my father was a successful career man, a week before the festive season, we cooked at least for 60 households. We sent complete meals for neighbors around, relatives, family, and close friends. Each house household received a packet meal that consist of white rice, chicken curry, fried noodles, stir-fried tempeh with tofu, potato, and crackers. This packet meal was enough to provide dinner in each household. So, yeah, we prepared food like we held a wedding party. Close friends and family would get an additional packet a day before the festive season day; it was a bottle of syrup, and cookies or cakes. Besides sending food before the festive season, the death celebration was also one of the special days where we cooked food for at least 60 people and sent them to our neighbors, family, and close friend. Not only that, every happiness we hold such as promotion, birthday, or get bonus annually; we had to share that happiness with others throughout foods or it could be helping others. You can say that it was the environment I had been grown up in. Even when my father lost his decent job and we reduced our habit to send a complete meal, he still shared with others by gardening. My neighbor could pick my father's flowers and sold them in the market. At this point, my father had never asked for every single cent; yes, my father's flower was free. Moreover, my neighbors were also free to get fruits or any edible leaves from my father's garden. Nowadays, my father is no longer alive, the only thing that I can do to keep him alive in my life is to do something that he had taught me; share and spread happiness to others, and be kind to others.

Love letters, lava cheese cake, and oranges - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

In this Lunar New Year 2022, the Year of the Tiger; we gave love letters snacks, lava cheese cake, and two oranges to our neighbors who live on the same floor. But of course, not every neighbor got our packet as we considered some reasons. We sent them last Sunday. Usually, we have sent this packet a week before the festive season, however, we have been busy recently, therefore, we are kinda little late. We bought this cookie and snack at the hypermarket nearby and it is a common snack during Chinese New Year. The price was affordable for us because some of the cookies and snacks are pricey. In general, I would like to buy kue baulu and pineapple tart for our neighbors, but, I think this year I chose distinct cake such as lava cheese cake and love letters. Yeah, I have believed that everyone has pineapple tarts so I gave lava cheese cake. I tried it before sending them and the taste is surprisingly good and we love it. Meanwhile, love letters, the taste is definitely crisp and nice too. In the past in my village, some villagers used to make love letters snacks at home for the festive season. Sometimes I helped them when I got spare time after school. So love letters snack has always reminded me of my hometown. I think many Chine New Year cookies, cakes, and snacks, are the same as in my village. Unfortunately, these special occasion snacks are hard to find these days in my hometown as the new generation wipe them out because they think these traditional cakes and cookies are outdated.

Despite the intention that we refuse to receive a packet, my neighbors were still sending some snacks and cookies even the expensive ones. Actually, we do not want people to pay back what we give to them. But we can not turn down our neighbors' feelings. And this is the thing why I decided to buy common cookies, cakes, or snacks, not the pricey ones because this is not a competition who is wealthier than others. I wish I could prepare food for our neighbors at home just like my father's tradition, however, I think I do not have soo much time to do it.

All those cookies and snacks are coming from our neighbors - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Maybe some people think that what I have done is just show off or want some payback. But something that they do not know is that I had been taught by my father to share our happiness and spread happiness whether with money (buy something) or not (gardening, sharing knowledge). Furthermore, I can see how nice and genuine my neighbors are. Yeah, I have not written about Christmas 2021 yet when my neighbors ambushed us. What does it mean? It means my neighbors knocked on our door first and gave us cakes before I made a move. It was a few days before Christmas which meant whether we sent Christmas cake or not, it did not matter to them. To be honest, at that time both of us, my husband and I, have been busy and we did not have time to think of Christmas cake to give to our neighbors at all. Like I mentioned before, our experiences are completely different from many foreigners who live in Singapore where some of them do not get along and know their own neighbors who live at least on the same floor or block. Live is lively and soo much easy if we can share our happiness and spread happiness; for me through food, gardening, and pet. Yeah, luckily I love flowers and plants, and also cats and dog (pet).

Happy Lunar New Year 2022 - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

One of my friends said, "I wanted to give you something, but you live abroad and are able to find anything there." Well, I did not give any response about it. Personally, giving something to others is about our gratitude and from our heart, not the value of a "thing" that we want to give it. Once again, this habit is not a competition who are wealthier than others. Believe me, if you set up your mindset that your friend and neighbors are your competitors; instead of building up the relationship, it drowns you into the deep of envy and jealosy. So, keep in mind be kind to others.

Chinese New Year is one of the best ways to strengthen our relationship with our neighbors by sharing happiness through food. We do not need to buy fancy "things" to show our best gratitude because it starts from our heart, not the price. Wishing you a very prosperous and fruitful Lunar New Year, wish the best for all of you.

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographed anywhere else without permission

After 2 Years of Stepping Down, Where is Ichikraft Now?

About two years ago, I made the decision that the Ichikraft Etsy shop closed temporarily. However, even until this day, I am still with the ...