The Impact of Online Customer Reviews on The Brand's Reputation

Talking about digital marketing, especially in this unprecedented crisis because of the COVID-19 situation will lead shoppers to the online business which is shifting their habit from traditional buyer to online customer. It is essential for them to read reviews before making a decision and trust the brand that will impact the brand's reputation. the impact of online customer review on the brand reputation

Gaining customer's trust is an important part of every business that will open the possibility to turn them into loyal customers. In another word, it will be increasing the level of sales and guide a company to gain business revenue. However, in online businesses, a successful business depends on online user reviews. 

Most online shoppers would do a "little" research by googling, or through social media, and even word-of-mouth to collect information as much as they need to make conclusions about the brand. Looking at how another customer as a personal recommendation is a prime step for shoppers to find out not only the product itself but also the virtual store reputation which is put the online customer reviews at the top of the game of online-shop. Positive reviews and at least 4-star will show the brand performance. At this point, the potential customer will trust the business and willing to become loyal customers if they are satisfied with the brand and the services. Because users most likely to do business with "excellent" reviews and do not want to purchase from a business that has negative online reviews. Therefore, there is an important task for the online business to concern about and do not underestimate consumers' voices. If the business has to deal with negative reviews then what would an online business do? First, admit if make a mistake and do not refuse for what customer experiences; second, analyze the problem and solve it by giving the best services next time which is mean that taking shoppers complain to make the brand stronger by the time; third is show what the best from the brand, for example, good quality, quick delivery, special design, consistency, et cetera.

Brand reputation in online business is made up based on customers' experiences on how they feel, hear, think about its business which is collaborated about customer satisfaction. In other words is not only the products must surpass consumers expectation, but also packaging and other services for instance customer services that quickly respond to any question about the brand. Basically, creating positive reviews in digital business is the combination of how the business work; starting from choosing the materials, processing, quality control, packaging, storage and delivery, and customer services. All those elements connected with one another. 

What the benefits of getting good reviews for an online business that leads to a good reputation? 

  • get the customer's heart which is also known as "trust". When potential customers read positive online reviews about the brand, it leads to purchasing the product and attract loyal customers
  • Increasing business revenue because shoppers decide to buy after seeing other consumer experiences from the reviews they write
  • It guides to outstanding among others, in other word is distinguished from competitors. To achieve a higher level of success, the online business must pay attention to reputation because it is a big deal for any kind of business
  • Getting more customers. Basically, if one consumer is satisfied with the brand, they will recommend the brand to their friend and family which is free advertising and lower marketing costs
We can see that's how the impact of online reviews on the brand reputation opens the door to many opportunities and possibilities. It virtually impossible without a good reputation to achieve success because naturally, customers do not want to pay a lower quality of products or services.

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission 

Chinese New Year Celebration During Pandemic in Singapore


Some of Lunar New Year treats from our neighbor - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

Lunar New Year or also known as Chinese New Year is the biggest celebration in Singapore. This year sounds different because of the Covid-19 situation. However, I think people still celebrate it in another way. How does it look like? Are you feeling curious and want to know how locals managed to mark this special occasion? Let's get on it!

We have been staying in Singapore for about 9 years. Since moved to Singapore a few years ago the first thing in my mind was on how to bonding with locals. I wanted to know their daily life, how they eat, habits, and events including Chinese Year New. I think it is my rule that I have to learn culture and tradition wherever I live. With this new knowledges, I hope that I could become a better person and open my horizon.

Talking about the biggest event, Lunar New Year in Singapore, well, there are lots of intriguing things happening, for instance, foods, ceremony, family dinner, and snacks. Simple thing Chinese New Year is the time for a family reunion and sit down together and eat together. Maybe many of you think this festive is only for Buddhists or related to this religion. If I am not wrong, Buddhist is not a religion but guides people on how to live. That what I hear from a friend. Back to the topic, here in Singapore, regardless their religion, everyone who have Chinese root, they celebrate Lunar New Year. For example, my neighbors who are not Buddhist yet still celebrate it. That's what I like about living in Singapore. Living in harmony and respect for each other.

Pineapple tart/ cookies, tom yam yam, salted egg yam, seaweed crackers, and crackers - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

In 2021, due to the coronavirus situation, there are so many rules that we have to adhere to so that we can continue managing the spread of the Covid-19 infection in the community. For example, each household only receives 8 visitors a day. Dining at a restaurant is also allows 8 people except for the same household. But it is merely impossible for one household with 10 residents. Everyone must understand the situation even though the daily new local case of COVID-19 infection is zero. What if someone or a group of people breach management safety? Well, the fine of up to $ 10,000 and 6 months jail will wait for you.

So, what did locals do to celebrate Lunar New Year during the pandemic? Many of them stay at home and cooking at home. My neighbors, for example, just sit tight at home even if they felt a little sad. Cooking at home and having dinner with a family member, their children, and grandkids. If another family would do visit then with the arrangement, 8 people a day. What are locals cooking? When my husband and I went to the hypermarket 2 days before Chinese New Year Eve, most people bought hot pot ingredients such as wong bok (Chinese cabbage), enoki mushroom, meat, fishball, lobsters, et cetera. This indicated that during this festive season makes a hot pot at home is their choice. Besides making a hot pot set menu at home, I think many of them cooking another food based on family culture or tradition, for example, chili crab. Every family has its own tradition that's what I have been believed. So, there is not always a hot pot. 

My hot pot style at home - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

What about snacks? Of course, there are abundant snacks and treats during this particular occasion. What I like about Lunar New Year in Singapore is that plenty of snacks, cookies, and sweets, all those treats are special because we can only find them during Lunar New Year. For instance, Chiku chips are also known as arrowhead chips, love letters, durian cookies, larva cheesecakes, pumpkin cake, coffee cookies, bahulu cakes, et cetera, you-name-it. The most popular are pineapples tart and kuih bahulu. Both are traditional ones and I think it must buy them in this special season.

Something that special on Chinese New Year in Singapore, we exchange snacks or gifts with our neighbors. I usually make a goodies package for my neighbors and give it to them before Chinese New Year Eve. My choice is always the same every year; pineapple tart and bahulu cakes, and 2 oranges, including flower brooches or flower accessories in these goodies. These handmade flowers are made by myself. This year I chose pineapple tart, salted egg yam, 2 oranges, and handmade flower accessories. Even though I do not want my neighbor to give me gifts but still they sent some gifts to our doorstep by hanging them. As result, we have lots of snacks and another package at home and we do not know how to eat all of those treats.

Packages for my neighbors - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

That's how locals celebrated Lunar New Year during pandemics, at least in my neighborhood. What I have learned is that maybe it is a different celebration but we feel grateful because we are still in good shape, healthy. Instead of complaining about the government rules, laws, and how strict safe measurement, we, in Singapore, are just grateful for our life. All those laws that government imposes are for safety and the future. We must understand and do our part fight against Covid-19.

By exchanging cakes, or gifts, I think it helps to cheer up our neighbor who celebrate Lunar New Year during the coronavirus year. If you want to know more, I do exchange cakes on Christmas day as well. Not only that, during New Year's eve 2021 one of my neighbors sent me cakes even if I did not send them cakes, what nice and kind neighbors. I love living here!😊 I feel that I just live in kampoeng. "Kampoeng" means village. Then I realize, it does not matters where we live in whether in the city or village, we can still do living in "kampoeng spirit". It means we can manage our relationship with neighbors regardless of race, language, and religion. So, are you staying in Singapore, are you living in "kampoeng spirit", if yes, tell me then  what your experiences😊

Read my another article on another blog about Tom Yam Hot Pot here and A Budget Hot Pot here


  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permission 

Making DIY 4-layer mask with felt as non-woven material

4-layer maks designed by Acik Mardhiyanti - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

The world changes rapidly and so are we. Since the Covid-19 struck our world last year wearing a mask is compulsory which means we have to buy it just like groceries that need them every day. The money will involve and the big question is "how much money do we need to spend on masks?" At this point by making DIY masks becomes popular and trigger many people more creative every day to design DIY mask. On top of that, the biggest question is how to make a proper handmade mask against the Covid-19 virus by using unexpensive material?

4-layer mask designed by Acik Mardhiyanti - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

The first thing that I thought in my mind was how poor families could afford masks. If you are following my Ichikraft Give and Care blog then immediately you know the family who lives in poverty have always been struggling to earn money every day just to provide food. With a wage range between $15 - $ 40 a month, it's virtually impossible to buy masks for their family. Which one they choose, buying masks to protect them or buying foods to fill their stomach? Who will take full responsibility for their real issues? 

4-layer mask designed by Acik Mardhiyanti - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

I came out with the idea by using felt as non-woven material to substitute surgical masks. I believe many of you know that surgical mask material is a nonwoven material. Where the idea from? First of all, I would like to say that felt is a common material for my handiwork. Basically, since I have started my business, this material tags along with me which means I used to use it. In January 2020, we had a shortage of masks in the market. Believe me, at that time we couldn't find masks everywhere. Feeling desperate, of course, but it is not my personality if I just give up so easily before finding a solution. The first mask I made was 1-layer masks to cover the mount. The second mask that I made was 4-layer masks with nonwoven and cotton material inside. At this point, I have used felt which I believe do the same work as a surgical mask. However, before decided use felt as a nonwoven material, I did a search by googling what kind of nonwoven material is. That's how I found out and made a decision to create the 4-layer mask by using felt and cotton inside. After almost a year since the second mask I created, I have made my third mask and they are still 4-layer with felt and cotton inside, but in a different design. 

4-layer mask designed by Acik Mardhiyanti - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

The cotton inside the mask that I have made is our t-shirt. Well, sometimes we have some clothes that we do not use it anymore. Why do I need to add cotton inside? What I have believed is that more layers are more protection. White cotton is my choice because it won't absorb the heat compared to dark colors, for instance, black, dark blue et cetera.

4-layer mask designed by Acik Mardhiyanti - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

The DIY 4-layer mask that I have made is hand sew. Even if hand sew but still I can produce acceptable masks. I wish I have a sewing machine at home, unfortunately haven't. For me, whether have it or not, I am still capable to create something useful with my hands. Challenging my limit is my motivation that can push my creativity beyond. Well, I could say my work is not bad 😁 

4-layer mask designed by Acik Mardhiyanti - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

The front and back layer is pattern fabric, the second layer is felt, the third layer is cotton material. If you are following my article then instantly you know that I have made this kind of mask since March 2020 and it becomes my standard that we can make easy at home and use it to protect us against the Covid-19 virus. Indeed, it just my assumption without any prove properly such as to conduct research, but this kind of mask will useful for people who live in poverty. That's my dedication to finding solutions for poor people in the pandemic situation. Not only them but also for me😊 I am happy that I do not need to spend some money on masks every month. Believe it or not, I haven't used my money to buy masks, not a single one. 

4-layer mask designed by Acik Mardhiyanti - Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti

The vantages about this particular mask are cheaper materials that affordable for poor people, easy to make at home as long have a needle and thread, and washable with distinctive caution because we deal with felt; remember do not wash this mask in the washing machine. After hand washes with detergent, we can soak it into disinfectant. It sounds good, right? 

Sometimes we just need to creative and willing to learn something else rather than only complaining about so many things. I think we should thank this unprecedented crisis because we are reborn as a stronger person to get through this situation. Keep your courage, embrace it, we can make it!

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Do not copy this article without permission
  • Do not reuse these photographed anywhere else without permission  

After 2 Years of Stepping Down, Where is Ichikraft Now?

About two years ago, I made the decision that the Ichikraft Etsy shop closed temporarily. However, even until this day, I am still with the ...