The Meaning Of Four-Leaf Clover


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui

For me, Clover is a new plant, and I’m curious about their legend or the meaning behind four-leaf Clover plant. It is very interesting to know about them more. How lucky me, my friend told me about four-leaf Clover more than I expected. She helped me to satisfy my curiosity about four-leaf Clover. Thank you very much Ryo-san, arigatou gozaimasu.

Honestly, I knew about four-leaf Clover when I watched Japan anime. What? Yes, it is true. Many times I watch Japan anime to release my stress from daily activities. In that story of Japan anime, some kids were looking for four-leaf Clover. If they could find it, it means good luck would come to them. So they tried hard to find four-leaf Clover. That’s a very nice story, I like thatSmile Clover plant commonly has three-leaves. Four-leaf Clover is a rare variation of approximately 1 in 10.000. Yes, there are approximately 10.000 three-leaf Clover for every four-leaf clover. Wow, how awesome it is when we could find four-leaf Clover. And it is unclear and become debates, the four-leaf Clover is caused by genetic or environmental issues. Forget about why and what is the cause when four-leaf Clover appears, because I really, really wanted to find a four-leaf clover Open-mouthed smile


Ryo rakusui gave me this picture

According to the tradition, if someone could find four-leaf Clover, it bring good luck for them, especially when they found accidentally. Oh, of course, it is like other foliage plants. I have some kind of foliage plants that believed to bring good luck for the owners. First, called Money plant, the Money plant is just one of foliage plants that believed to bring good luck. Sometimes we could find them in green leaf color, or green and white leaf colors. Secondly, Aglaonema plants. Javanese people believe these plants bring good luck. So, if we planted them at the house, and they grow well with many leaves appear, that means lots of good and luck come to us.

I think four-leaf Clover is unique and mysterious thing. Because there are many legends on it that it’s unclear which one is the true legend about four-leaf Clover. Four-leaf Clover are about legend, tradition, and belief. And I think is that why it always attracts people to find four-leaf Clover until now. Yes, it is a miracle when someone can find a four-leaf Clover.

In Europe, the four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck. Someone who can find four-leaf Clover then luck will visit. Besides, in a Christian legend, the story tells that Eve brought a four-leaf Clover when she was expelled from Paradise. So, what is the meaning behind four-leaf Clover? Each leaf Clover represents faith, hope, love, and luck/happiness. Some others say the four leaves represent fame, wealth, love, and great health. How is about five-leaf, six-leaf, and above? Well, five-leaf represents money. And there is no meaning for six-leaf and above.


Ryo Rakusui gave me this picture

May 10, 2009, in Yawaza, Hanamaki, Iwate Prefecture-Japan, was discovered 56-leaf Clover by Mr. Shigeo Obara. He has received a certificate Guinness World Record for his great job. He was 84 old farmer that studied about multi-leaf Clover. He was an independent researcher on Clovers for over 50 years. On May 25th, 2002, Mr. Shigeo Obara discovered 18-leaf Clover, then on June 3, 2008, he discovered 21-leaf Clover. Yes, he shattered his own record. But, He died before receiving a certificate of Guinness World record.

Wow, it is an amazing four-leaf Clover story. Many of the stories behind these leaves, a legend, a tradition, and a belief. Well, I agree if four-leaf Clover is a miracle leaf. It is not a common leaf, but it’s a miracle if we can find four-leaf Clover. Yes, there is not easy to find some miracle around our life, but when we try hard, we will probably see it in a small percentage, even if 1 in 10.000. Do you believe it?

  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Pictures from Ryo Rakusui
  • Do not copy this article without permission

Bunga Sakura Dan Budayanya


  1. Bunga Sakura


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui

Sudah tahu apa belum, di Jepang terkenal akan keberadaan bunga sakura. Bila orang berkata “bunga sakura”, maka pikiran kita akan langsung menuju sebuah negara yang terkenal dengan sebutan matahari terbit, yaitu Jepang. Bunga sakura, selain beragam jenis, ternyata ada budaya menikmati keindahan bunga cantik ini, yang disebut dengan nama Hanami.

Di negeri Sinchan, yaitu Jepang, bunga sakura atau yang juga disebut dengan Cherry Blossom flower, jenisnya ada tiga. Apa saja itu?

  • Somei-Yoshino


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui

Bunga sakura jenis Somei-Yoshino ini adalah bunga sakura yang biasa atau kebanyakan dijumpai di Jepang. Bila kita mengatakan “sakura”, maka yang ada dalam  pikiran kita adalah sakura jenis ini.

  • Shidare-Zakura


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui

Bunga sakura jenis yang kedua ini, penampakannya tak kalah indah dan menarik dibandingkan dengan jenis yang pertama, Somei-Yoshino. Bila dilihat atau diperhatikan, jenis ini seperti air terjun, bukan? Bunganya menjuntai-juntai jatuh kebawah. Rantingnya melengkung kebawah, dimana sepanjang ranting itu dipenuhi oleh bunga-bunga sakura.

  • Yae-Zakura


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui

Nah, bunga sakura jenis yang ketiga ini, bentuknya benar-benar rupawan lhoo… Kenapa begitu? Karena mahkota bunganya double/ ganda. Bandingkan dengan jenis yang pertama dan kedua, mahkota bunga sakura jenis pertama dan jenis kedua, mahkota bunganya single atau hanya satu saja. Sementara jenis yang ketiga ini, Yae-Zakura, lebih terlihat seperti bunga mawar, kan?

Bunga sakura jenis Yae-zakura ini, mekar paling terakhir diantara jenis sakura-sakura yang  lain. Bunga sakura biasanya mekar pada awal musim semi, dan hanya sekitar dua minggu saja. Nah kira-kira bunga sakura jenis mana yang disukai oleh kawan-kawan sekalian, hayooo? Semuanya cantik-cantik kan… Saya menyukai semuanya!

         2. Budaya Hanami di Jepang

Di Jepang ada budaya Hanami.  Apa itu budaya Hanami? Budaya Hanami adalah budaya untuk menikmati keindahan bunga sakura. Kira-kira seperti apa sih budaya Hanami itu?


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui

Ketika musim semi tiba, orang-orang Jepang bersuka cita menyambutnya. Kenapa? Karena dimusim semi itulah bunga-bunga sakura akan bermekaran dipinggir-pinggir jalan, dan taman-taman kota. Nah untuk menikmati keindahan bunga sakura, masyarakat Jepang berbondong-bondong pergi berpiknik ketaman bersama keluarga, teman, dan kerabat.


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui

Disana, ditaman itu, mereka menggelar tikar/ alas duduk, dan membawa bekal makanan. Ya,  duduk-duduk makan bersama  keluarga sambil menikmati bunga-bunga sakura yang sedang mekar ditaman itu. Itulah yang disebut budaya Hanami.


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui

Saat sedang menikmati keindahan bunga sakura ditaman, ada pantangannya. Apa  itu?

  • Tidak boleh memetik bunga-bunga sakura, bahkan untuk menyentuhnya juga tidak boleh
  • tidak  diperkenankan untuk memanjat pokok-pokok sakura 


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui

Kenapa ada pantangan/ larangan semacam itu? Untuk orang Jepang, tindakan semacam itu, baik memetik bunga sakura, ataupun memanjat pohon bunga sakura, dianggap sebagai tindakan bodoh dan sangat memalukan. Bila ada orang yang memetik cabang/ bunga sakura, itu artinya orang tersebut tidak peduli akan pohon sakura, dan dianggap telah mengambil kecantikan bunga sakura. Kawan sekalian bayangkan, bila batang sakura serta bunga sakura dipetik dari pohonnya, maka pohon sakura tidak cantik lagi kan, karena bunga-bunganya dipetik.


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui

Selain itu, pohon bunga sakura bukanlah sembarang pohon. Ketika batang pohon sakura dipetik, maka akan berakibat buruk pada si pohon sakura, yang bisa mengakibatkan kematian pada pohon sakura. Pohon bunga sakura bukanlah pohon yang bisa dipangkas/ dipotong. Bila pohon-pohon disekitar rumah kawan-kawan sekalian mudah tumbuh dahan atau pokok-pokok baru setelah dipangkas/ dipotong, maka tidak demikian dengan pohon bunga sakura.


Photographed by Ryo Rakusui

Oiya… tau kah kawan sekalian, bila bunga dan daun sakura itu bisa menjadi bahan olahan. Orang Jepang biasa menggunakan bunga-bunga sakura ini untuk dicampurkan kedalam teh hijau mereka. Sementara daun sakura  dibuat salted sakura leaf dimana proses pembuatannya sampai 6 bulan baru bisa digunakan hasilnya yaitu digunakan untuk membungkus makanan khas Jepang yang bernama Sakura-Mochi. Sakura-Mochi ini terbuat dari tepung beras, gula, kacang merah, dan air. Wah…terdengar lezat kan makan Jepang yang satu ini. Tidak hanya digunakan untuk membungkus mochi saja, salted sakura leaf ini bisa dimasak menjadi tempura sakura leaf, untuk campuran tamagoyaki atau telur dadar ala Jepang, dan juga campuran Sushi. Menarik, bukan?



Nah, itulah sedikit penjelasan tentang bunga sakura dan budaya Hanami di Jepang. Seru kan piknik ditaman dengan dikelilingi pohon-pohon sakura, melihat bunga sakura bersama keluarga. Semoga bisa menambah wawasan kawan sekalian tentang Jepang.

Catatan/ note :

  • Penulis Acik Mdy / Acik Mardhiyanti – Written by Acik Mdy / Acik Mardhiyanti
  • Photographed by Ryo Rakusui
  • Foto Sakura Mochi diambil dari Wikipedia
  • Dilarang untuk meng-copy paste tulisan ini tanpa ijin – Do not copy this article without permissions
  • Dilarang untuk mengambil gambar/ poto yang ada dalam artikel ini tanpa ijin – Do not reuse these photographs anywhere else without permissions

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