The Dreamer Man

He wasn’t a perfect man. He was just an ordinary villager that work hard every day and did many activities. Artwork, gardening, and housekeeping before left for work, there were just some of his activities. I saw tired face on him everyday, but inside he was a strong man more than everyone knows. He had a dream and believed that someday it would come. Sometimes, I didn’t understand why wasn’t he saying anything about his dream. Until someday, I realized work hard is the key to get my dream. Do what we love, and love what we do, there are some reasons to make us struggle. Just like he did, believed in dream, and struggle on it.

Every day this man sit on the bench and facing the sundown. Looking at the golden ray, and found peace. When the ray turns red, he got the energy to start his day. The sunset was the best way to forget the fatigue that might have crushed his bones, and heart. His eyes tired because of lack of sleep, the arms in pain because of working every day at the factory as a coolie, and the exhausted legs cycling about 20 kilometers a day. When the bad weather came, he left for work under thunderstorm at midnight with his old bike. Sometimes, he picked up twigs and the woods in the garden, then doing his artwork. Doing artwork was just a hobby, but he proud to show them at home. When working in the farmland to plant vegetables and carrying six goats, the sunburnt his skin and attacked his confidence. How many accidents happened during his work, how hard it was, he had not given up, because he believed the sun would rise the next morning, and gave him strength.

The man had lost everything that built for about 20 years. He was angry, sad, and suffered. It just suddenly happened when everything looked fine. He was bankrupt and nothing left. There was no money left, even 1 cent to buy foods, clothes, school books, and shoes. No one helped and supported him. Friends and family also left. He wanted to cry, but he couldn’t. His lip closed never said anything. People said he was like a living sculpture. But, he tried to erase the dark life and found a light to guide him on the right path. And someday he saw a tiny star that gives hope.

She worked after school. Wrapping food was her job, and collecting money was her goal. Without work, she couldn’t buy school books, shoes, and a bag. She was young, but struggle inside. Sometimes, she came back late at night and forgot her homework. Then someday, “I am sorry, dad, I won’t let you down again…”, She felt guilty. Quite, just a little smile at his face. At the moment she knew, what was her father's dream.

School is the answer. Day and night she studied hard to prove to his father that she would make it. While studied, she worked to pay for all the needs of the school. She kept trying to give a star to her father. And many years later her father smile, the biggest smile ever while attending his daughter’s graduation. Since that day, until now, and later she would study.

Many people say dreams are crazy and impossible. We can’t blame them because they do not understand what a dream really is. Getting a dream is not easy. Working hard, and do not be afraid because it failed. If it fails, rise like a sun, and be a star in the sky.

Note :
  • Written by Acik Mardhiyanti / Acik Mdy
  • Do not copy this short story without permissions
  • This short story is my assignment in writing class
  • Based on a true story

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